Watch Chewbacca Judge Ron Howard's Terrible Wookiee Impression

Watch Chewbacca Judge Ron Howard's Terrible Wookiee Impression

It's something every Star Wars fan has attempted from time to time. We've all done our own Wookiee roar just to see how close we could get to the distinctive sound Chewbacca makes. Most of us are probably better at it than Ron Howard. The director of Solo: A Star Wars Story was recently answering fan questions on Twitter when he was asked to perform his best Wookiee noise. While the director admitted to never trying it before, he gave it his best shot, and the result was...not impressive. Even Chewbacca himself chimed in on it. Check it out.

I'm usually not one to criticise somebody for something like this, but I'm forced to agree with Chewie here, that was pretty bad. It sort of sounds like Ron Howard is choking on something more than he's trying to let out a roar. Sure, Wookiee sounds aren't simply guttural roars, but even when making a soft sound the Wookiee voice still has a depth to it that Howard is utterly unable to capture.

The question was part of several that were asked by fans of Ron Howard on the official Star Wars Twitter account in anticipation of the May 25 release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Chewbacca was introduced as being there with Howard from the beginning and was part of several answers, which is probably why the question was asked of Howard in the first place.

Luckily, as far as I know, Ron Howard is not providing the voice of any of the Wookiees in Solo so we don't ever need to hear that terrible sound ever again. Trailers for the movie have confirmed the appearance of other Wookiees in addition to Chewbacca, though at this point we don't really know they fit into the overall story.

While there was some question regarding what the reception would be for Solo: A Star Wars Story, following the films behind the scenes issues, the film is doing remarkably well when it comes to pre-sale tickets. It just goes to show that at the end of the day Star Wars is still Star Wars and the average fan either doesn't even know about the film's issues or just doesn't care. Han Solo is a popular character and the movie is going to do well regardless. It's also the only Star Wars movie we're going to get for a year and a half, with Star Wars: Episode IX pushed back from its original May 2019 date back into December.

While Ron Howard may not be the best at Wookiee noises, he's an accomplished director and we know he has much stronger skills in that arena. He'll be playing to his strengths when Solo: A Star Wars Story arrives later this month.

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What Marvel's Kevin Feige Really Thinks About Black Panther

What Marvel's Kevin Feige Really Thinks About Black Panther

With something like $192 million in the bank and an expected $218 million by the end of the holiday weekend, it's fair to say that Black Panther is already a massive success. Black Panther has also attracted loads of critical praise and fan love. It also helps that Black Panther is a very good movie on its own, a superhero film that manages to be about something and fell impactful in the execution of its themes. There likely needs to be more time before it finds its spot on the Marvel Best Of Lists, but as far as Kevin Feige is concerned, it's the best movie Marvel has ever made, something he realized as soon as it was finished...

The movie finished, and I looked over at Ryan, I said, 'That's the best movie we've ever made.'

In an interview with ABC News, Kevin Feige, the man whose plan for a shared universe of superhero films changed the landscape of blockbuster filmmaking, stated that Black Panther is the best film that Marvel Studios has ever made. Indeed, Black Panther has been getting heaps of praise ever since critics first shared their initial reactions and now that audiences have gotten to see the movie for themselves, it looks like the hype was justified.

It's easy to see why Feige has such high praise for Black Panther. Thematically speaking, it's almost certainly the best Marvel movie. It feels like it has something to say, and in an age when most superhero blockbusters typically fall short in this area, Black Panther a breath of fresh air. The film also boasts some truly impressive world-building, costumes, and production design. Even though its debut weekend isn't over yet, I think that Black Panther is going to have a very healthy legacy over the coming years.

As for whether MCU fans will agree with Kevin Feige, we likely have to wait until the dust settles before Black Panther can be given a real ranking in the MCU's filmography. There are certainly fans who will contest that Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil War, or The Avengers is the best that Marvel has to offer, but I'm sure that there will be little question that Black Panther is in the high-tier. It'll be interesting to see where people put it on their list of favorites over the coming weeks.

So, what did you all think of Black Panther? Take a moment to share where you think it currently ranks among Marvel Studios' movies in the comments below! For more Marvel and movie news, be sure to keep it right here at CinemaBlend, and we'll keep you updated. To learn more about what Marvel's got cooking in the near future, be sure to visit our Marvel movie release guide!

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