7 Big Movies Heading To Theaters In January 2019

7 Big Movies Heading To Theaters In January 2019

Even with 2018 still pretty fresh in our minds, it's hard not to admit that 2019 has been sharing that same mental space for some time now. And now, with the new year finally here, we can look forward to what's heading our way with the first crop of films that seem like they were just coming soon only yesterday. While it's a smaller bunch than usual, there's no shortage of thrills headed our way, with the year's first record-breaking juggernaut poised to happen in this very month. Let's keep up this new year of energy as we review the line-up of massive movies heading our way in January 2019!

Escape RoomSmall budget/high frequency franchises seem to be closing up left and right as of late. But just as a door closes, a window opens for a future series to take its place. If this past weekend has been any indication, it looks like Escape Room will be one of those names we might be hearing again over the next couple of years.

It's true, Escape Room opened this past Friday as the first big release at the domestic box office. That being said, this movie seems to be proving itself to be a sleeper hit that's brought in a tidy sum. Estimated at $18 million, it's already doubled its budget of $9 million, and in the relatively thin week we're about to enter, this PG-13 thriller might find itself doing some good repeat business.

Release Date: January 4th

A Dog's Way HomeWho could have predicted that early last January, A Dog's Purpose would be the good boy that dog lovers and inspirational film fans could have asked for? A sleeper hit at the box office, the film naturally has spawned more films following in its paw prints: one based on a direct sequel novel, A Dog's Journey, and one a side story, A Dog's Way Home.

Also taken from a book written by W. Bruce Cameron, A Dog's Way Home follows Bella, a cute pup who grows into a big brave dog that has to travel 400 miles to be reunited with her family. Voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard, this dog's odyssey to be with her human is set to cash in on people who love warm fuzzy creatures, and the movies they inspire.

Release Date: January 11th

ReplicasKeanu Reeves and sci-fi are, typically, like peanut butter and chocolate. Two great tastes that go together are reunited yet again, as Reeves is starring front and center in the ethically tinged thriller, Replicas. The quandary at the heart of this film isn't easy to solve either, as he plays a scientist who's lost his family in a car accident, only to recreate them with cutting edge technology.

Of course, this displeases his corporate masters, and the hunt is on for his newly replicated family, which includes Alice Eve playing the role of his newly rebooted wife. Replicas definitely looks like a January movie, but seeing as we've already been surprised with Escape Room, this might be a romp that plays better than the trailers let on. And there's always room for a twist to make things even juicier.

Release Date: January 11th

The UpsideSometimes a remake can make audiences see the original in a different light, especially if the source materialis of foreign origin. Taking its cues from the French film, The Intouchables, The Upside is a film that's waited for a long time to see the light of day. Now properly distanced from the scandal of the company that created it, it's ready for the film world to give it a chance.

Starring Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston as the unlikely pair that become the best of friends, The Upside looks like a pleasant, uplifting film that not only gives Cranston yet another opportunity to shine, but also gives Hart another chance to play it straight. The two actors look like an incurably charming team, and with Nicole Kidman also added into the recipe, this could be one of those remakes that hits it big with domestic audiences, hopefully prompting them to check out the original shortly after.

Release Date: January 11th

GlassAlmost two decades have passed since M. Night Shyamalan brought the world the first chapter in what's now known as the Unbreakable trilogy. Flash forward to early 2016, when the closing moments of Split revealed that what looked like a standalone film was, in fact, a secret sequel to that very trilogy, and you had an instant hit on your hands should there be a third. Enter Glass, the shatteringly presumed conclusion to the Unbreakable mythos.

Sure enough, the meeting of the minds between Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and James McAvoy's characters in Glass is set to crush the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday box office. With the conflict of Unbreakable only looking to intensify with the addition of McAvoy's multiple personalities perking up Jackson's legendary baddie, it looks like we won't have to wait too long before the first explosive hit of 2019.

Release Date: January 18th

The Kid Who Would Be KingWriter/director/Edgar Wright crony Joe Cornish is only on his second film with The Kid Who Would Be King, and judging by the looks of it, the man truly knows what he wants out of a movie, and it's fun. His follow-up to the cult indie hit Attack The Block looks to be similarly adventurous, albeit a little more traditional, as Arthurian legend comes into play with this film.

When young Alex finds Excalibur at a random construction site, he doesn't know that he's about to be drawn into a battle with legendary enchantress/villain, Morgana. She's ready to unleash her brand of darkness onto the world, so it's up to Alex and his friends, joined by none other than Merlin himself, to stand up against the forces of evil, and win the day. Yeah... this is totally a Joe Cornish movie, and we're totally seeing it opening weekend.

Release Date: January 25th

SerenityFilm noir is a genre that could definitely use a comeback. Usually a mix of dark intrigue, seduction and a lot of shady dealings, we really haven't had too many films that harken back to the era of dialogue as sharp as knives. Though it might not seem like it on the surface, Serenity looks like it just might bring us back to such a prospect, especially considering the plot centers around a man hired to kill his ex-wife's lover... and feed him to the sharks.

The fact thati Interstellar co-stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway are the man and ex-wife in this picture is enough fun to mull over on its own, granted. But with Diane Lane, Djimon Honsou and Jason Clarke all joining in on the enterprise that is Serenity, it's hard not to think what brought all of this star power to the table and what these trailers are hiding from us. It also helps that Peaky Blinders and Locke writer Steven Knight is the one who cooked it all up, so color us deathly curious about this one.

Release Date: January 25th

Carol's pet was a welcomed source of comedy in Captain Marvel, especially when it was revealed that Goose was actually an alien species called a Flerken.Moviegoers loved the dynamic between Goose and Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury, and it turns out that Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige pushed for more of the iconic pet in Captain Marvel.
Captain Marvel (film) - Wikipedia

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How Mid90s Star Was Able To Take Such Brutal Hits, According To Jonah Hill

How Mid90s Star Was Able To Take Such Brutal Hits, According To Jonah Hill

Stevie, the protagonist in writer/director Jonah Hill's Mid90s, has a lot of notable characteristics -- from his intense desire to fit in, to his rebel spirit -- but the big standout is his ability to take a hit. Whether he's falling off his skateboard on to concrete, or taking a pummeling from his older brother, he's always able to bounce back. Even with knowledge of movie magic it's both brutal and impressive to watch, and Hill gives all the credit to his star, Sunny Suljic, for going all-out and just giving the film everything he's got. Said the first-time director of the young actor,

Let me tell you something: Daniel Day Lewis has nothing on this guy. Anytime you see him getting beat up, falling down, you know, it's this guy... I'm 34 and I've never had to carry a movie like Sunny has to carry this film, and I've been acting for a long time. Anything that was asked of him, he went above and beyond. Same with Na-kel [Smith], same with everybody. But he took a lot of hits, and, you know, he's a strong man. The reason why I cast him is I wanted someone small for their age and was 10 feet tall inside, and you knew he could take it. And this dude went all the way. And he's alive in one piece!

Sunny Suljic's Stevie is taking brutal hits from the very first frame of Mid90s, shown being thrown into a wall by his aforementioned abusive sibling (played by Lucas Hedges), and through the course of the story he not only falls off his skateboard 100-something times and but even plummets from a roof. It's not all practical, of course, but speaking with Suljic, Jonah Hill, and Na-Kel Smith this week at the movie's Los Angeles press day only added to the film's credibility and the lead's legitimate resilience.

Based on an original screenplay by Jonah Hill, Mid90s is a period coming of age film that transports audiences to the titular time setting in Los Angeles, following the adventures of thirteen-year-old Stevie as he starts reaching maturity. What motivates the story is his discovery of a local skate shop and the teens who hang out within: the ace skateboarder Ray (Na-kel Smith); the party-loving Fuckshit (Olan Prenatt); the dummy Fourth Grade (Ryder McLaughlin); and the wannabe Ruben (Gia Galicia). Their friendship sees Stevie start to change his personality, but also make big choices that he can't reverse.

You can watch Jonah Hill discuss the performance of his young star in Mid90s by clicking play on the video below.

Mid90s, which also features Katherine Waterston and Jerrod Carmichael in addition to the actors mentioned above, arrives in theaters this Friday -- and be on the lookout for more from my interview with director and stars here on CinemaBlend.

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Glass Box Office: M. Night Shyamalan Is Number One Again As New Releases Stumble

Glass Box Office: M. Night Shyamalan Is Number One Again As New Releases Stumble

It was long predicted that M. Night Shyamalan's Glass would be the biggest new release of January 2019, and while it's technically under-performed compared to early estimates, it has successfully earned that title. In its second week of release it has won the box office crown for a second time - though it's worth noting that the film didn't exactly have much in the way of competition from new releases. You can check out the numbers from the Top 10 performers in the chart below, and join me after for analysis!

Considering it was made for only $20 million million, Glass can definitely be called a financial success at this point, thanks not only to the domestic numbers, but also its performance abroad. The movie is playing in theaters in 55 other markets, and to date that has resulted in an extra $89.1 million being added to the worldwide total, which currently stands at $162.7 million. It's not exactly The Sixth Sense, which made $672.8 million before it was done with its global theatrical run back in 1999, but it's a nice chunk of cash.

What may be seen as a disappointment for the folks at Universal Pictures is that the movie also isn't quite performing as well as Split - which is the only reason Glass was given the green light in the first place. It's not uncommon for a trilogy capper to get a certain box office bump, as audiences feel compelled to see how the larger story ends, but that doesn't appear to be the case this time. Split was a huge hit when it was released in January 2017, as it was able to follow up a $40 million opening by only dropping about 36 percent in its second week, and going on to make $278.5 million worldwide. Glass actually made a few hundred thousand more than its predecessor in its first three days, but it took a much steeper 53 percent fall in week two, resulting in the numbers you see above.

So what's the big difference? The answer pretty much has to be buzz. Not only did Split get a much warmer critical reception than Glass, but it also got a half-grade higher on CinemaScore (a "B+" vs. a "B"). The first Unbreakable sequel also rode into theaters with a great deal of talk about its fantastic twist ending, and people wanted to see it for themselves before getting spoiled - while this most recent release had none of that going on. Given the circumstances, and the anticipated titles set for theaters in February, it will be interesting to see if the 2019 movie can surpass After Earth ($243.8 million worldwide) and become M. Night Shyamalan's seventh most successful feature.

Being number one for two weeks in a row definitely looks good on paper for Glass, but it should also be noted that the film wasn't exactly facing off against a new Marvel or Jurassic Park film. In fact, there were only two new wide releases in theaters this weekend, and neither of them did particularly well. Admittedly there weren't exactly massive expectations in play, but at the same time you always hope that fresh features will land higher than 4th and 8th place.

Admittedly Joe Cornish's The Kid Who Would Be King very nearly nabbed third place, as it opened just $100,000 behind James Wan's Aquaman, but still it fell just a tad short. It's a shame because it's one of the best movies that is playing on the big screen right now, and a legitimate delight as a family film. It's definitely being appreciated, as it got a "B+" from opening weekend audiences, according to CinemaScore, but the numbers aren't super impressive. One could argue that one bright side is that the feature has already made about seven times as much money as Cornish's directorial debut, Attack The Block, so that's something to hang a hat on. It wasn't until Baby Driver that Cornish's frequent collaborator Edgar Wright finally connected with American audiences, so maybe his next title will be the one that becomes a huge box office sensation.

There are unfortunately fewer positive things that can be said about Steven Knight's Serenity - which got points from critics for trying something new, but ultimately slammed for not being able to effectively execute its big ideas. There was surely a lot of hope that the movie would be able to put asses in seats thanks to the fact that it is headlined by two Academy Award winners - Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway - but that plan didn't really work out. The $4.8 million it made was barely enough for it to top Adam Robitel's Escape Room in its fourth week of release, and very much adding insult to injury is the act that it's rocking a "D+" on CinemaScore. It would seem people are not appreciating what is definitely a super oddball feature.

The last big development to point out from these numbers is the resurgence of Peter Farrelly's Green Book, which made its way back into theaters nationwide this weekend in hopes of capitalizing on Golden Globes and Academy Award buzz. The feature initially got a slow rollout in November 2018, making about $44 million during its first release window, but now its added a nice bit of extra money to that total after Universal pushed it back into more than 1,500 theaters. It's worth noting that it never fully disappeared, as from January 18-20 it was still in 900+ theaters and in 14th place, but still people definitely took advantage of this expansion.

Looking ahead, Glass will be trying to three-peat, but in order to do so it will have to outperform the Gina Rodriguez thriller Miss Bala, the Clive Owen-led Three Seconds, and the chilly adventure Arctic with Mads Mikkelsen. As always, we'll be back next Sunday with our full box office report to see how it all shakes out and go over the numbers, so be sure to tune in next week.

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