No, Reed Morano Isnt Directing DCs Supergirl Movie


No, Reed Morano Isnt Directing DCs Supergirl Movie

Despite having two highly anticipated blockbusters in post-production, the DC live-action universe seems to be in disarray. There has never been a concrete release schedule, and collaborators and movies are constantly announced, and then cancelled. Now the two pillars of the DCEU are in jeopardy of leaving, as Henry Cavill is reportedly departing his role as Superman, with Ben Affleck long rumored to be backing away-- even before he was readmitted to rehab. There are tons of rumors flying around about DC's live-action future, one of which being that Handmaid's Tale director Reed Morano was going to helm a Supergirl movie. Morano has now responded to this internet-fueled association, saying:

Actually, it's funny --- someone brought it to my attention and a couple friends of mine were like, 'Are you doing Supergirl?' and I said, 'What are you talking about?' I asked my agent 'What the hell is this?' and they said, 'It's nothing, ignore it.'

Well, that seems pretty cut and dry. Reed Morano has no plans to direct a Supergirl movie for the DC Universe, despite fan excitement. Any plans DC has with Supergirl are a complete mystery, as is the shared universe as a whole.

Reed Morano's comments to Observer will likely elicit a mixed back of emotions from the fans, who are eager for anything hopeful to cling into regarding the DC Universe's future. DC characters are some of the most beloved comic book icons of all time, but WB's live-action universe has had a very bumpy road. There seems to be a ton of chaos from within, and Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman is still the only critical success to date. And with Henry Cavill seemingly on his way out the door, it's hard to imagine the DCEU without a Kryptonian at the center.

When rumors began circulating about Reed Morano's potential involvement in a Supergirl movie, there was some excitement coming from fans. The director recently snatched an Emmy Award for directing three episodes of Hulu's massively successful drama The Handmaid's Tale. Given the show's focus on female-driven storytelling and dynamic women, she seemed like a solid choice to bring Supergirl to the silver screen for the second time. But she's not involved. At least, not yet.

Given the popularity of the Supergirl TV show, it seems logical that DC might want to capitalize and bring a new version of Kara into live-action. There was a Supergirl movie in 1984, meant to be a spinoff of Christopher Reeves' Superman franchise. Unfortunately, it was a notorious flop; this gives DC the chance to hit it out of the park if they decide to do a blockbuster of their own.

The next installment in the DCEU is James Wan's Aquaman on December 19th, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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