Dont Miss These Amazing Easter Eggs In The Pym Lab In Ant-Man And The Wasp


Dont Miss These Amazing Easter Eggs In The Pym Lab In Ant-Man And The Wasp

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a massive landscape that draws from a deep well of source material. Every movie in the long-running franchise features some serious deep cut Easter eggs, and it turns out that Ant-Man and The Wasp is no different. In fact, CinemaBlend's own Eric Eisenberg recently had a chance to ask the cast and crew of the film to talk about some of the film's attention to detail and things to look for in the movie, and they homed in on some of the interesting elements in Hank Pym's lab that showcased the power of the Pym Particles. Check out the interviews, below!

So, make sure to keep an eye out when you finally get a chance to see Ant-Man and The Wasp on the big screen. Hank Pym's lab isn't just a storytelling device; it's packed to the brim with some awesome details, ranging from paper clips to bread clips. In fact, Evangeline Lilly even got a behind-the-scenes photo of herself holding an oversized bread clip, and I think it's safe to say that we all want to see that photo now.

Of course, this is very much on brand for what we have come to expect from the Ant-Man corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Peyton Reed's franchise has become known for its inventive used of oversized (or undersized) objects to enhance the story and add depth to Scott Lang and Hank Pym's adventures, and not all of them are directly related to the main plot of the films. Some details (like a bread clip to keep wires together) are just fun ways to jar the audience and keep them off balance while telling a story.

One specific thing worth noting about Peyton Reed's remarks is the fact that he wanted to make Hank Pym feel distinct from Tony Stark -- another wacky scientist from a different corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Instead of having everything looks sleek and polished in the way that the Iron Man hero often does, Hank's version of a lab is far messier, with improvised devices made of large (or small) items powering the equipment and holding it all together.

Ant-Man and The Wasp picks up two years after the events of Captain America: Civil War. Scott Lang has been under house arrest since signing on to fight alongside Team Cap, but he finds himself dragged back into action by Hank and Hope when it's discovered that his time in the Quantum Realm during the first film could hold the key to bringing Janet van Dyne back after being presumed dead for decades.

Ant-Man and The Wasp opens in theaters tomorrow, so make sure to check out our review of the film and take a look at our guide to the original Ant-Man to get yourself up-to-speed on everything that you need to know about it.

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