New Spider-Man: Far From Home Poster Is All About Iron Man


New Spider-Man: Far From Home Poster Is All About Iron Man

Warning: The following contains major SPOILERS for Avengers: Endgame so don't read ahead until you've seen it!

Iron Man has been a huge part of Spider-Mans story ever since the web-slinger arrived in the MCU. Tony Stark recruited Peter Parker for Captain America: Civil War, and played an important role in his first solo outing in Spider-Man: Homecoming--mentoring the young hero and providing an assist when needed. The importance of Tony Stark to Spider-Mans story doesnt look like it will diminish anytime soon either because a new poster from Spider-Man: Far From Home is all about Iron Man. Check it out:

Robert Downey Jr.s Iron Man might not be in Spider-Man: Far From Home in the literal sense, but his presence (or the lack of it) looks to be keenly felt throughout the movie based on what weve seen so far. In this new poster from the films official Twitter account, we see an image similar to one we saw in the new trailer, of Peter Parker crouching in front of a large street art depiction of Iron Man, the hero that sacrificed himself to defeat Thanos.

Its a cool, melancholic poster and one loaded with symbolism. The symbolism here is quite obvious, and is indicative of what we can probably expect to see from Spider-Man: Far From Home. Peter Parker is literally in the shadow of his mentor, wearing a suit built by Iron Man, missing him terribly and trying go on and live up to his example and expectations.

This is also reflected in the accompanying quote, which we heard from Jon Favreaus Happy Hogan in the trailer. What Happy says is a kind gesture, conveying the faith that Tony had in Peter, but it also puts an immense amount of pressure on Peter Parker, a teenager, to assume Iron Mans mantle as Earths best defender.

We may never have gotten the Uncle Ben origin for Tom Hollands Spider-Man, but Tony Stark has in many ways fulfilled that role for the character in the MCU, especially after his death in Avengers: Endgame. Tony Stark was the one pushing Peter to be and to do better, and although his death was not in any way Peters fault, the pain of that loss is still ever-present.

As the savior of the planet, Tony Starks image is everywhere, reminding Peter Parker of what he lost as well as his duty to carry on. Peter Parker may just want to be a normal kid and go have fun with his friends on a European vacation, but with great power comes great responsibility and any abdication of his hero duties will invoke tremendous guilt at Tonys sacrifice.

This all shows that the consequences of Avengers: Endgame really matter and may make for quite the emotionally charged story in Far From Home.

Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters and closes out Phase 3 on July 2. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to keep track of this and all the biggest movies youll want to see this summer.

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