Why The Raid 3 Isnt Going To Happen, According To The Director


Why The Raid 3 Isnt Going To Happen, According To The Director

In 2011, film-goers worldwide got their ass-kicked by the cinematic experience that was writer/director Gareth Evans' The Raid. Made in Indonesia, the film features some of the action sequences we've ever seen, and its massive popularity wound up inspiring a sequel, The Raid 2, three years later. If you've spent the last few years waiting for a trilogy capper, however, prepare to be disappointed, as Evans has confirmed that The Raid 3 isn't going to happen:

The Raid 3 was... at one point it was on my radar. I had a full idea. I know what the storyline would have been. But I think enough time has passed now that I think I'm not likely to go back and revisit it. We had a lot of fun making those films, and I think we came to a nice, sort of natural conclusion with [The Raid 2]. And I think sometimes you can have a little bit too much of a good thing.

With his new film, Apostle, having its world premiere last night at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, I had the chance to sit down with Gareth Evans earlier today, and it was at the very end of the interview that I asked for an update on The Raid 3. Knowing that he is currently in the process of developing his first television show, I asked if the sequel was something that was on his radar, and he explained that while the project was in development for a while, it's time has no passed and he's moved on to other things.

Based on an original screenplay by Gareth Evans, the first The Raid starred Iko Uwais as Rama - a member of an elite S.W.A.T. team assigned a mission to take down a tenement controlled by a violent and dangerous mobster. The sequel, in turn, saw that mission expand, as Rama goes undercover in an attempt to root out corruption within his department. Both films earned glowing reviews from professional critics and audience, most of the excitement generated because of the films' remarkable fight scenes, and even for a time Hollywood considered an English-language remake. That project never came together, however, and now it looks like The Raid 3 is going to share a similar fate.

Gareth Evans is definitely staying busy, though, and is also experimenting in new genres. You'll be able to see his new horror feature in just a few weeks, as Apostle -- which stars Dan Stevens, Michael Sheen, and Lucy Boynton -- will be arriving on Netflix on October 12th. Between now and then, be sure to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for more about the film as well as more from my interview with the writer/director!

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