Josh Brolin Confirms Deadpool 2 Reshoots As Test Screenings Reportedly Go Poorly


Josh Brolin Confirms Deadpool 2 Reshoots As Test Screenings Reportedly Go Poorly

Deadpool 2 moved up its release date from June to May, sitting right in between two major Disney releases. Clearly, the expectation for the sequel is high. However, some recent rumors have indicated that the movie is not testing well, which would explain why the film is currently undergoing reshoots. In a recent interview with Josh Brolin, the actor was asked about playing two major comic book characters in two different movies this summer, and the possibility that Deadpool 2 might have some fun with that. In his response, he confirmed that he is currently working on reshoots for Deadpool. According to Brolin...

I'm up here right now in snowy Vancouver doing reshoots for Deadpool. Given that it's a satire of all superhero movies, especially Marvel movies, how can you not?

Reshoots by themselves are nothing new and nothing to really worry all that much about. Every major movie goes through them and, while they seem to always make fans nervous, they are not inherently a bad sign, so hearing Josh Brolin tell Entertainment Weekly they are happening is not the end of the world. However, with Deadpool 2 moving up its release date, the film is only about two months away, which seems like the reshoots could be cutting it close.

However, it sounds like there might be a reason for the last minute reshoots as rumors regarding test screenings of Deadpool 2 have not been positive. At least one person reportedly posted to Twitter, (via Movieweb) to say that the plot of Deadpool 2 was lacking and that the character of Vanessa was entirely wasted. That tweet has now been deleted.

At this point, without direct evidence, we have to take all of this with a grain of salt and treat it as rumor, but it is obviously a disconcerting rumor. The first Deadpool movie was a revelation and nobody expected to hear that the sequel would have major problems. The script is written by the same pair who brought us the first movie. The director is different, as Tim Miller left the project to be eventually replaced by David Leitch, but Leitch has proven himself capable of directing well-liked movies including John Wick and Atomic Blond.

Certainly, if the test screenings are not going well it would explain why reshoots are happening with so little time to spare. The purpose of test screenings is to get an early reaction from moviegoers so that changes can be made if necessary and if these rumors are to be believed, then it appears that's what is happening here.

Hopefully, these rumors are entirely unfounded and everything is fine. If not, then we can simply hope the problems are addressed during the reshoots and the movie we get in May is everything that we hope it to be.

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