Deadpool 2 Has Screened, Here's What People Are Saying


Deadpool 2 Has Screened, Here's What People Are Saying

The next big tentpole movie of the year has had its first screenings and now those who were lucky enough to see Deadpool 2 are talking about what they thought. Is the sequel as good as the original? In a word, yes. The vast majority of responses seem to feel that not only was Deadpool 2 a worthy successor, in many ways, it exceeded the original. Our own Sean O'Connell says that Deadpool 2 successfully builds on the original but also improves on it, and you can't really beat that.

It seems that most everybody was a fan ofthe first Deadpool, but that's not entirely true. There are always those with different opinions. The good news there is that not only do the people who liked the first movie think this is an improvement, people who didn't like the first movie, like Matt Singer from Screen Crush liked Deadpool 2, more, so if that's you, there's a good chance there's still something worthwhile here.

If you were a fan of Deadpool, then you probably loved all the pop culture references, the inside jokes, and the fourth wall breaking that the character is known for and that the first movie had in spades. Guess what, the sequel has it all too. Whether you're a fan of superhero movies, or sick of them, as Thom Geier of The Wrap says, it's got you covered. It also includes one superhero movie cliche, the post-credits sequence, that outdoes most of what came before.

With Deadpool 2 being the second big superhero movie in less than a month, the comparisons to Avengers: Infinity War are obviously going to happen. Surprisingly, some of those comparisons aren't going the way you might expect.

We'll have to wait for next week to get full reviews for Deadpool 2, but the initial response is overwhelmingly positive. If you've been waiting for the return of the Merc with a Mouth, it looks like the wait might be worth it.

4 hours ago Warning: SPOILERS for Godzilla: King of the Monsters are ahead! In both real life and within the MonsterVerse, five years passed between the events of Godzilla and Godzilla: King of the Monsters, with the latter showing the Titans wreaking even more havoc across the world.
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The redesigned spikes also aren't the only reference to the original Godzilla movie inserted into Godzilla: King of the Monsters.Back in August 2017, in the middle of principal photography, Michael Dougherty posted a photo of the Oxygen Destroyer, the weapon of mass destruction that was used against the gigantic reptile in 1954.
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