Spider-Man: Far From Home's Trailer Has A Cool Easter Egg Tying To Peter Parker's Origin


Spider-Man: Far From Home's Trailer Has A Cool Easter Egg Tying To Peter Parker's Origin

When Spider-Man was rebooted for the MCU, we didnt get another cinematic depiction of the characters origin. Tony Stark and the audience met Peter Parker when he had already been Spider-Man for six months, and that meant no radioactive spider bite, no Uncle Ben death and no testing out of his powers. But Marvel movies are treasure troves for eagle-eyed fans, and the most recent trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home has a cool Easter egg tying to Peter Parkers origin. Check it out:

In this frame from the trailer, Happy Hogan is telling Peter Parker that he shouldnt ghost Nick Fury, but this humorous exchange isnt the only thing of note. Behind Happy is a poster for wrestler Crusher Hogan. If that name doesnt sound familiar to you, Crusher Hogan is the wrestler that Peter Parker tussled with in the comics not long after he got his powers.

Joseph Crusher Hogan was a shoot wrestler that offered $100 (as you can see on the sign) to whoever could last in the ring with him for three minutes. Sadly for Crusher Hogan, a young Peter Parker wanting to test his new powers took him up on the challenge. In the first formal use of his abilities, Peter wore a mask to hide his identity and proceeded to humiliate and defeat Crusher Hogan in the ring.

This was basically the role that Randy Savages "Bonesaw" McGraw fulfilled in Sam Raimis Spider-Man, but Crusher Hogan was the comic book inspiration for the Macho Man's character.

We may have never gotten to see Tom Hollands Peter Parker go through this part of his origin, but this poster in Spider-Man: Far From Home is a fun Easter Egg that honors that origin and hints that it may have indeed happened in this universe. Its also funny that the character in the frame with the wrestlers poster is Happy Hogan, who shares a last name with the Crusher.

Who knows, maybe Happy and Crusher are related in this universe. If so, maybe Peter did wrestle Crusher Hogan and Happy was either there to witness it or heard about it from his family member afterward. That could be how Spider-Man first got on Tony Starks radar; he got a tip from Happy. It would also explain why this poster is here, years after that match would have theoretically happened.

Its intriguing to think about and maybe Spider-Man: Far From Home will shed some light on it. But even if it is nothing more than an Easter egg, its still a cool one that ties back to the characters lowly beginnings, long after he has fought aliens in space.

This Easter egg wasnt the only point of discussion to come out of the new Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer. The reveal that the events of Avengers: Endgame have brought the multiverse to the MCU is huge and has major implications for this universe going forward.

Well see the beginning of those repercussions when Spider-Man: Far From Home brings Phase 3 to a close on July 2. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to keep track of all the biggest movies headed to theaters this summer.

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