Early Avengers: Endgame Box Office Estimates Are Insane


Early Avengers: Endgame Box Office Estimates Are Insane

We all new Avengers: Endgame was going to be a huge movie. From a story standpoint, it's the culmination of everything that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been building towards. It will be the end of some major character arcs and possibly the beginning of others. Anybody that has even been paying partial attention to the MCU will want to be part of this cinematic event. We knew this movie was going to make money, but early estimates are absolutely off the charts, as it appears Endgame could set a box office record with nearly $300 million in ticket sales on opening weekend alone.

Avengers: Infinity War set an opening weekend record last year when it did $257 million in sales upon opening. Avengers: Endgame is set to better that mark by a decent number, as Bloomberg is reporting it could see an opening weekend of $282 million.

With Infinity War being such a massive hit and leaving the story unfinished, it's all but a guarantee that people will be back to see how the story ends. And not being there opening weekend means being left out of the cultural conversation on Monday when everybody else knows what happens and you don't.

Interestingly, it is pointed out that there is one thing that will potentially stand in the way of Avengers: Endgame record setting weekend, the run time of the film. It has been reported that Endgame could see a run time of close to three hours. If that's the case, it could mean that theaters won't be able to run as many showings of the movie in a day as they could for Infinity War, meaning the movie will take in less money simply because fewer people were moved through the theater over the course of the day, even though every showing will likely be sold out or close to it.

Avengers: Infinity War finished it's run with just over $2 billion in worldwide ticket sales. It finished just $20 million short of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on the all-time box office list, and with Endgame looking to better the previous installment by over $20 million on opening weekend alone, Endgame is poised to take that spot. If the film does improve on Infinity War in every country where it opens, then the top two slots, currently occupied by Titanic and Avatar, could also be in danger.

And of course, it's early, which means that we get closer to the April release date for Avengers: Endgame these numbers could just as easily go up as even more people begin to get excited about the film. And all of this will be on top of the success of Captain Marvel, which is also setting pre-sale ticket records and is looking to be another major hit for Marvel Studios.

Aside from the Silver Surfer, the article stresses that right now, some six Marvel mutant properties are in development at Fox between 2019 and 2020, and that until the Disney/Fox merger goes

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