Watch The Milwaukee Brewers Pay Tribute To The Sandlot In Cute Video


Watch The Milwaukee Brewers Pay Tribute To The Sandlot In Cute Video

The Sandlot is one of the greatest baseball movies of all time, full stop. More than being simply a sports film, this 1993 coming-of-age tale brilliantly captures what it's like to be a kid. There are very few movies that hit that nostalgic sweet spot quite like The Sandlot, which turns 25 next month. To pay tribute to the film about a sandlot baseball team, the real life pros of the Milwaukee Brewers took to the field to reenact their favorite scene. Take a look below:

This tribute video by the Milwaukee Brewers is a ton of fun and has bumped The Sandlot to the top of my need to rewatch list. The Sandlot has so many memorable scenes, but the Brewers couldn't have picked a better one to reenact to pay tribute to the flick. Catcher Steven Vogt is actually great in the Hamilton Porter role, with a fun delivery and great facial expressions as he talks trash to the pitcher and calls his shot just like the Babe. Brett Phillips is also fun in the role of Scotty Smalls, happily offering to fetch the ball to ingratiate himself to his new group of friends. I also can totally see Christian Yelich as a grown-up Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez. Using the small dog Hank in the role of 'The Beast' is also a fun touch and was probably logistically easier since I don't know how many people have giant English Mastiffs.

Another thing that's fun to think about with this tribute is that a lot of these Brewers players and baseball players throughout the Major League probably grew up watching The Sandlot and may even trace their roots in the sport to that film. It's clear that the Brewers in this video are fans of the film and they have a ton of fun reenacting it. The Sandlot's 1993 release date means it was probably a childhood staple for many of today's players with the average age on MLB teams around 27 to 30.

Watching this video and thinking about The Sandlot makes me realize that we don't get a ton of baseball movies anymore. Off the top of my head the most recent good one was Moneyball. Hopefully that changes soon since baseball movies have produced some true cinematic classics. The writer and director of The Sandlot, David Mickey Evans actually teased a new baseball movie he was working on called Junior Americans last year, the would be Sandlot for a new generation, but we haven't heard much since then.

For the inevitable hockey-team-reenacting-The-Mighty-Ducks video, stay tuned to CinemaBlend and be sure to check out our 2018 release schedule to see all the biggest movies hitting theaters this year, even if it is lacking baseball flicks.

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