Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston Reflect On Awkward Kissing In Netflix's Murder Mystery


Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston Reflect On Awkward Kissing In Netflix's Murder Mystery

Jennifer Aniston signed up to join Netflixs Murder Mystery, which drops on the streaming service today, for one reason and one reason only, to get to work with Adam Sandler. The two are longtime friends that enjoy working together but despite that friendship and their previous collaboration Just Go With It, there is still one thing that remains awkward: the kissing. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston play a married couple in the film and the kissing that entails made for some awkward hilarity, as they explained:

Sandler: She loves it. She sends me texts, Nine days to kissing. Here it comes!Aniston: I did have him learn to oil up the beard a little bit.Sandler: She wanted me to have that nice, soft hair. And then when we kiss the only awkward part is hearing my wife on the side go, Harder. Kiss her harder. Deeper.Aniston: That was awkward.

You had to know comedian Adam Sandler would turn the awkward kissing he and Jennifer Aniston had to do for Murder Mystery into a big joke. Im not sure whether that joking makes the situation more or less awkward, but its funny either way. The idea that Jennifer Aniston was counting down the days until she got to kiss Adam Sandler like a kid with an advent calendar eagerly awaiting Christmas is quite the hilarious concept.

Its also nice to hear that Adam Sandlers wife Jackie is supportive of her husband kissing another woman onscreen. So much so in fact that, according to a joking Adam Sandler, his wife even gave him notes to really commit to the kiss with Jennifer Aniston. I expect that would have been quite awkward.

For Jennifer Anistons part, as she told the Associated Press, if she had to kiss Adam Sandler, she needed him to do some maintenance to make himself more kissable. Namely, he had to use some beard oil to make the facial hair his character Nick Spitz has in the film less scratchy. Jennifer Aniston doesnt like prickly facial hair; a solid note for any would-be suitors out there.

This whole back and forth conversation between Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler really shows what good friends they are and how much fun they have together. It totally explains why Jennifer Aniston signed on for Murder Mystery and why they'd want to work together. They have a brother-sister dynamic, which makes them comfortable with one another, but also makes the kissing quite a bit more awkward than it would be if they were just strangers.

Hopefully their chemistry offscreen translates onscreen for the film because they are a delight together. Fortunately for the two actors, Murder Mystery isnt some pure romance film in the vein of a Nicholas Sparks adaptation; it is, as the title says, a murder mystery and a comedy. And judging by the trailer, the two get to do some funny stuff and action scenes to break up that awkward kissing.

Murder Mystery is now streaming on Netflix. For movies headed to the big screen this year, check out our 2019 Release Schedule.

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