New Brightburn Trailer Shows Off Terrifying Superpowers


New Brightburn Trailer Shows Off Terrifying Superpowers

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Superman became a force of evil instead of a superhero? While its doubtful Warner Bros and DC will ever tell such a cinematic tale, Brightburn is essentially working with that premise, as the boy whos wreaking havoc in the upcoming movie shares many of the same abilities as the Man of Steel. You can see these superpowers at work to instill terror rather than hope in the new Brightburn trailer below.

The first Brightburn trailer dropped back in December, but this latest preview provides a more in-depth look at how the young boy, Brandon Breyer (Jackson A. Dunn), turns to darkness. His story unfold similarly to Kal-Els at first. Found by a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Breyer (David Denman and Elizabeth Banks), after landing on Earth as a baby, Brandon is seemingly raised in a loving and warm environment. Unfortunately for him, kids can be cruel, and while Clark Kent managed to make it through his formative years without being a social pariah, Brandons classmates have labeled him as a creep. Eventually he hits his breaking point when hes pushed to the ground and breaks the hand of the girl whos been instructed to help him back up.

This is the moment that Brandon starts to realize just how powerful he is, as demonstrated by him putting his hand through a wood chipper and breaking the machinery. (Didnt this happen on Smallville, too?) With the evil inside of him growing, Brandon doesnt waste any time using his powers against others, with his first target being the mother of the girl he harmed, as she wanted him thrown in prison. Super strength, super speed, flight, heat vision, this kid basically has the same power set as Superman, making it easy for him to bring down planes and destroy houses. Despite his actions, Brandons mother still believes there is good inside of him, but his father is less convinced.

If this were a DC movie and Superman or someone like him went rogue, it would be easy enough to throw either another superpowered individual or some kind of advanced technology in this threats way. For Brightburn, which fits more snugly in the horror genre than the superhero realm, its unclear now Brandon Breyer will be neutralized, if at all. As far as we know, there isnt anyone else in this world anywhere near as powerful as him, and theres no sign yet that he has a kryptonite-like weakness. For what its worth, Brandon tells his mother at the end of the trailer that he wants to do good, but with all the destruction hes caused and no sign of that darkness inside of him diminishing, the chances of him turning back to the light dont seem likely.

Directed by David Yarovesky, produced by Guardians of the Galaxys James Gunn and written by Gunns brothers Mark and Brian, Brightburn hits theaters on May 24. If youre interested in learning what other movies are coming out this year, look through our 2019 release schedule.

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