The Flash Movie Will Create A Speedster Multiverse, Ezra Miller Says


The Flash Movie Will Create A Speedster Multiverse, Ezra Miller Says

The Flash is one of the DCEU's longest developing movies, but it sounds like it could be worth the wait. Not much is known about the plot of the movie, but star Ezra Miller finally dished on what fans might be able to expect from the standalone film -- and it sounds epic. The Flash will apparently set up a DC multiverse that's connected by all the speedsters in existence. Here's what Miller said:

We're talking about sparking a whole new universe, it's not just the DC multiverse, it's the speedster multiverse. And the speedsters are the ones who connect all the disparate pieces of it. 'Cause Marvel is a universe, right? It's a world with all the same characters in it. DC is a multiverse -- all these different stories with different realities, different characters and different versions of characters. And the speedsters are the ones who move through it all.

The Flash is known for being the fastest man alive, but with that speed comes a whole set of other abilities. For instance, the Flash can run so fast that he can travel through time (science!) and often this leads to traveling to alternate timelines or universe. The Flash is known to do a bit of universe-hopping from time to time and it sounds like The Flash movie will be hardcore embracing this element.

According to a video interview posted by a Flash movie fan Twitter account, Ezra Miller explained some of the things to look forward to in his standalone film. Miller implies that the movie will introduce the concept of the DC multiverse with Barry Allen as a means of connecting those different pieces. It sounds like The Flash is in for an adventure that spans the fabric of reality itself.

That's some serious scope for a standalone movie, which might explain why it's taken so long to get this movie off the ground. The Flash is infamous for its delays and has lost a few directors. Miller explained that the reason the movie keeps getting pushed back is because everyone involved is working hard to make it the best movie possible and it just wasn't at that stage yet.

Anyone who knows anything about Barry Allen knows he's always late, but then when he arrives, he gets stuff done. That's definitely how this films production schedule is proceeding. [laughs] We're a little late, but the reason why we're late -- and this is the honest to God truth -- the reason why we're late is because we're all -- and I include myself in this -- we are very meticulously focused on making a movie that's not just one of the greatest superhero movies that we can possibly make, this movie is also going to be a gift to the fans. This movie's going to be a real pure offering to the fans of this material. And we've hit a couple of points in the script's development where we've looked at it and gone 'This isn't it, this isn't it yet.' [...] I'm really delighted at how focused everyone is on getting it just right, and I'm really devoted to that as well. We won't make the film unless it's going to be this consummate beautiful offering to the fans, and to everybody.

For DC fans, all of this sounds really cool and the implications of what a multiverse means for the DCEU is pretty huge. We could end up with more films like Todd Phillip's Joker, for example. Here's hoping that The Flash can pull it off.

The Flash isn't expected to arrive until 2021, but stay up to date on DCEU movies with our DC movie release guide.

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