Why Macauley Culkin Doesn't Watch Home Alone Anymore


Why Macauley Culkin Doesn't Watch Home Alone Anymore

As far as comedies from the early 1990s go, Home Alone ranks as one of the more prominent. Whether you enjoy its wacky shenanigans first and foremost or simply have it as part of your annual Christmas movie rotation, nearly 30 years after it hit theaters, Home Alone is still considered a classic. But some actors aren't interested in watching the projects they've acted in, and we can count Macauley Culkin among that bunch. Despite being most famous for playing Kevin McAllister in the first two Home Alone movies, Culkin admitted that he doesn't watch them anymore, mainly because of how fresh his memories of those experiences still are. When asked how much of filming those movies he remembers, Culkin responded:

I don't really watch them all that often. We did like a 15-year anniversary DVD commentary and I realized I hadn't seen it in like 15 years. Whereas Chris Columbus, he watched it the night before, like a responsible human being.

While it probably would have been wise for Macauley Culkin to watch Home Alone to prepare for that commentary, besides that, I don't blame him for not having checked out the movie recently. Besides Culkin having lived through the production, many people on the street who recognize him probably bring up Home Alone as quickly as possible. The actor presumably likes having as much distance as possible from that time of his life. Nevertheless, Culkin can't escape Home Alone entirely during the holiday season. He continued:

It's kind of just, it's background radiation at Christmastime. I've had people who want to sit down and watch it with me, which is like both flattering and creepy. When I'm watching it, I'm seeing like, remembering like that day on set. Like how I was hiding my Pepsi behind the couch or something like that. I can't watch it the same way other people do.

So if Macauley Culkin catches even a snippet of Home Alone, he can instantly recall what he'd been up to on the day that particular scene was shot. Impressive. That said, as Culkin also mentioned during his recent appearance on Ellen, because Home Alone is shown so much in the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, he tends to stay in more often so that people don't crowd him. Caulkin stated:

It's Macauley season. I try to go out less and less that time of year.

Although Home Alone was followed by Home Alone 2: Lost in New York two years later (another movie you'll find frequently running during the Christmas season, usually on Freeform), that was the last movie to star Macauley Culkin and the original cast. 2002's Home Alone 4 did reunite viewers with Kevin McAllister, his family and one of the original robbers, they were all played by different actors, while 1995's Home Alone 3 and 2012's Home Alone: The Holiday Heist both followed a brand-new lineup of characters. As far as Culkin is concerned, he doesn't appear to have any interest in watching either of his two Home Alone movies, but at least other folks can still enjoy these wacky tales to their heart's content, at Christmastime or otherwise.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates on all the latest updates in the realm of movies, including if one day the original Home Alone gets a direct reboot (fingers crossed it doesn't). For now, you can plan your trips to the theater this year accordingly by looking through our 2018 release schedule.

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