The Classic Action Sequel Game Over, Man 2 Would Love To Spoof


The Classic Action Sequel Game Over, Man 2 Would Love To Spoof

Warning: spoilers ahead for Netflix's Game Over, Man! Read ahead at your own risk!

It doesn't take long to realize that the new Netflix film Game Over, Man! takes a lot of inspiration from John McTiernan's Die Hard. The 1988 action classic continues to inspire spoofs and send-ups, and this comedy is one of the most overt yet. That said, Kyle Newacheck's Game Over, Man! also ends with a tease for a boat-based sequel called Game Overboard, thus promising something new for the future. In fact, CinemaBlend recently sat down with Game Over, Man! star Blake Anderson to talk about how the sequel could continue to embrace action movie tropes, and he admitted that Game Overboard could potentially serve as a spoof of Speed 2: Cruise Control. Anderson explained:

Speed 2 was on a boat, so it's almost like, maybe Game Overboard could... I think we all might have a little sleepover and watch Speed 2 a couple of times. Like 'what did they do right here?' Because Speed 1 is awesome, but I don't really remember Speed 2. I bet there's some gold in those hills.

Because Game Over, Man! already takes clear aim at Die Hard, it only makes sense for Game Overboard to similarly parody a movie that debuted after Die Hard's success. Speed 2: Cruise Control focuses on its two main heroes (Jason Patric and Sandra Bullock) trying to regain control of a hijacked boat (the villain of the movie is a delightfully maniacal Willem Dafoe), and it wouldn't be much of a stretch for them to shift gears away from Die Hard and towards the Speed universe.

If you don't remember Speed 2: Cruise Control (Blake Anderson even admitted that his memory of the film was fuzzy at best) check out a trailer for the film, below.

It's an intriguing possibility, particularly when we consider the fact that this creative team has actually spoofed a Speed movie before. The fan-favorite "Real Time" episode of Workaholics followed the three main characters as they struggled to make it into work ahead of their boss (while still drunk from an evening of partying the night before), and many of the episode's best sequences skewered the bus-based action of Speed, complete with a spoof of Keanu Reeves' pronunciation of the word "cans." They understand this universe, and Blake Anderson seems keen on keeping the momentum going.

Of course, we will just have to wait and see if Game Overboard will actually happen. Netflix has not officially committed to a sequel yet, which means that it's entirely possible for the Game Overboard tease at the end of the first film to serve as a simple Easter egg that won't lead to another full movie -- not unlike what happened in the end credits of 2014's 22 Jump Street. That said, Blake Anderson seems to take the possibility of a full movie seriously, so we will have to wait and see what happens in this new action-comedy landscape.

Kyle Newacheck's Game Over, Man! is now available to stream on Netflix. Check out the latest collaboration from the Workaholics alumni to see what they have cooked up, and make sure to keep an eye on all of CinemaBlend's coverage of the film. As for the rest of this year, check out our comprehensive Netflix premiere guide, as well as our 2018 movie premiere guide, and fill out your movie-watching calendars accordingly!

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