The One Weird Nicolas Cage Movie That Nicolas Cage Definitely Wants To Make A Sequel For


The One Weird Nicolas Cage Movie That Nicolas Cage Definitely Wants To Make A Sequel For

Warning: mild spoilers ahead for Mom and Dad! Read ahead at your own risk!

Nicolas Cage has become notorious for his manic and energetic performances over the years, but few can compare to his recent turn in Mom and Dad. Suburban dad who mysteriously finds himself sent into a murderous rage, the film drew ample praise for its sheer wackiness upon its release, and now it seems that Cage himself is incredibly interested in bringing a sequel to life. Speaking with CinemaBlend about the release of his most recent film, The Humanity Bureau, Cage addressed his filmography and admitted that Mom and Dad 2 is something that he's incredibly intrigued by, saying:

I think in terms of sequels, I think Mom and Dad has potential for a sequel. I think so, yeah. I mean, I would be curious to see the direction it could go in, but I think it was probably the most dysfunctional family ever put on celluloid, and with the grandparents coming in. You know, I think that there could be some sort of switch that gets flipped again where the kids start taking over and then going on a rampage. I feel like you could do something with the adapter particular family again and then I have a lot of fun with it.

Those of you who have seen Mom and Dad likely already know how this could pan out. The original film follows Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair's characters as they find themselves overtaken by a mysterious static that compels them to murder their children. However, in a potential sequel, Cage seems to think that a follow-up movie could flip the script and send the kids into the murderous rampage experienced by the adults in the original.

If you have not seen Nicolas Cage's wild performance in Mom and Dad, then make sure to check out the delightfully NSFW clip from the film, below.

Whether or not Mom and Dad 2 can actually happen is arguably a pretty fascinating discussion. The film didn't make much of an impression in terms of financial performance when it debuted, but it did go over quite well with critics and audiences, earning a 73% on Rotten Tomatoes in the process. Money arguably talks louder than anything in Hollywood, but it's not entirely outlandish to think that fan enthusiasm could help bring a Mom and Dad sequel to life at some point.

Of course, for right now Nicolas Cage seems interested in focusing on a more reserved performance that doesn't play to the same beats as Mom and Dad. In fact, elsewhere in his interview with CinemaBlend, the Adaptation star revealed that his work on The Humanity Bureau was defined mainly by his desire to play a more "internal" role that doesn't feature him playing to that classic Nic Cage mania.

We here at CinemaBlend will keep you posted with more updates related the world of Nicolas Cage and whether or not he ever decides actually to make Mom and Dad 2. For now, you can currently catch him in The Humanity Bureau, which is available on VOD and in select theaters!

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