Hellboys Milla Jovovich Says Her Raddest Films Are Always Panned By Critics


Hellboys Milla Jovovich Says Her Raddest Films Are Always Panned By Critics

The box office numbers are in and the Hellboy r-rated remake didnt win the box office. In fact, it didnt even get second on its opening weekend. Instead, it landed in third place, so far only pulling in a little over $12 million at the box office on a reported $50 million budget.

It doesnt look great for the superhero reboot, but Hellboy definitely has one person championing it: actress Milla Jovovich, who plays Nimue in the film.

In fact, the actress actually seems to be actively trying to stay pumped about Hellboys first weekend box office total. Thats because all of her raddest films really havent ignited at the box office. Or, as she put it,

Its always stressful on opening weekend and Hellboy is no different. You work super hard to make something fun and entertaining and have to absorb the negative reviews by movie critics, but hey! THATS SHOWBIZ BABY. All Im gonna say before going to bed is this: All my raddest films have been slammed by critics. Its fucking hilarious.

As the actress notes, when youre well known for movies that never really made a dent in the theatrical box office total, you get pretty inured to the showbiz cycle. In Milla Jovovichs case, box office really hasnt had much to do with the successes in her career.

Shes made a name for herself in projects like The Fifth Element and Resident Evil both movies that made like $17 million on their respective opening weekends but went on to become cult favorites.

She continued to talk about these cult movies on Instagram, noting,

Dazed and Confused? Seriously? Classic movie. The Fifth Element! You would have thought that was the worst movie ever made if you read the reviews in like 98. Zoolander? Slammed. Joan of Arc? Disaster. Resident Evil? Lets not even go there. Anyway, every one of those films is now a cult classic. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And this will be too. Mark my words.

The good news for Hellboy is that even though critics do not seem to be loving the movie, the audience score for the flick is a little more on board. Hellboy does seem to have some fans out there and perhaps those fans will translate into fonder remembrances down the line.

Honestly, it was always a little confusing why Lionsgate wanted to release Hellboy in April. It seemed primed to be more of a late summer/ early fall title. Plus, April is jam-packed with superhero content. Sandwiching the R-rated movie between the PG-13 Shazam! and the PG-13 Avengers: Endgame may have seemed like counterprogramming, but to me it seemed like packing too much in. We wrote a comprehensive piece about this a couple of months ago here at CinemaBlend, although my coworker argued the movie should come out over the summer and not next fall. Either way, here we are.

Although I typically see myriad movies every month, most people dont see three movies a year, much less three in one month and even fewer go see three superhero movies in a month! Movie also lose traction the longer they are in theaters, so its difficult to see where this one will earn its budget back unless it does become a cult favorite, as Milla Jovovich has suggested here.

Only time will tell if Hellboy lands closer to something like The Shadow in the superhero spectrum or ends up being a film that goes gently into the good night. Well keep you updated either way.

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