How Much Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Could Make Opening Weekend


How Much Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Could Make Opening Weekend

In a year chock full of superhero films from all the major players, the one that looks the most unique is arriving almost last in the form of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The animated film from producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller promises to show audiences the Web-Head as we've never seen him before. Early tracking is in on the movie, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse could make between $28 million to $35 million opening weekend.

An opening weekend of $28 million to $35 million would likely swing Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse into the top spot at the box office over its opening frame December 14-16. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Sony is a little more reserved with its estimates than the top end of the tracking services, and the studio is expecting about $30 million for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse opening weekend.

The mid-December frame isn't necessarily known to be the most fertile ground for big openings, but Into the Spider-Verse is still looking at first place. With a few weeks to go and a final marketing push, projections could go higher. And with a huge opening less likely, there is the hope that the PG-rated film can keep bringing in audiences throughout the holiday season once people have already seen the even bigger titles.

Speaking of other titles, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is not the only film opening over the December 14-16 weekend. Also opening is the Peter Jackson-produced Mortal Engines and Clint Eastwood's The Mule.

Mortal Engines is not looking like it will have the horsepower to catch Spidey at the box office. The post-apocalyptic film, based on the novel by Philip Reeve and from director Christian Rivers, is a big-budget blockbuster with a built-in audience, but is only tracking to open in the range of $12 million to $18 million.

The Mule is tracking to open with around $12 million to $15 million. The film stars director Clint Eastwood as a down on his luck old man who winds up becoming a drug courier for the Sinaloa Cartel. All of these films will probably have to hope for some serious legs and great word of mouth as they face an onslaught the following week with Mary Poppins Returns, Aquaman and Bumblebee all entering the Christmas fray.

A first place win and a long and successful run in the weeks after release for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse would be just another feather in the cap for Sony's 2018, as well as open up the possibility for more animated Spidey down the line. Venom delivered for the studio in a massive way and portends a bright future for the studio's shared cinematic universe. Venom gave Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse a leg up in its post-credits scene, so we'll see how much that helped in a few short weeks.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse swings into theaters on December 14. Check out our Holiday Movie Guide for the other Christmas presents waiting for you at the theater this season and take a look at next year's release schedule to see all the movies coming in 2019, including more Spider-Man!

It was followed by a Direct-to-Video sequel in 2004, Mulan II. An upcoming live-action version is set to be released in 2020. A version of Mulan has also appeared in the live-action TV show Once Upon a Time, (which is also produced by the Disney empire) where she is played by Jamie Chung.

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