The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

Warning: SPOILERS ahead!

When the Marvel Cinematic Universe was created, six singularities were turned into what we now know as the Infinity Stones. While each Stone has its own unique set of abilities, one has received more attention the others over the last decade: the Space Stone, originally identified as the Tesseract. The blue-colored artifact most recently appeared in Captain Marvel, playing a role in Carol Danvers origin story.

Because the Tesseract is the Infinity Stone thats gotten the most screen time, and because of the way the MCU timeline jumped around for Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain Marvel, it can be hard to keep track of all the places its been in this franchise. Not to worry, we have you covered, as here are all the places the Tesseract has popped up chronologically within the MCU timeline.

In Tnsberg, NorwayLegends of Norse mythology state that the Tesseract was once the jewel of Odins treasure room, but around 965 A.D., it was removed from Asgard and taken to Earth.

Its unclear why the Asgardians left the Tesseract in Tnsberg, Norway; maybe these beings felt it would be safer hidden on our world, though presumably Earth was already home to the Time Stone (encased within the Eye of Agamotto) at this point. Whatever the reasoning, for over a millennia the Tesseract remained safe and away from the wrong hands, but World War II changed that.

With HYDRAIn 1942, Johann Schmidt, a.k.a. the Red Skull, arrived in Tnsberg to procure the Tesseract from an ancient church. While he initially thought it was located inside the coffin of a long-dead warrior, he soon realized this was a fake and found the real Tesseract hidden in a nearby wall. After killing the church keeper and ordering his men to destroy Tnsberg, Red Skull wasted no time in having Dr. Arnim Zola weaponize the Tesseracts power, and the results were so effective that he decided to separate HYDRA from the Third Reich so that he could conquer the world.

By 1945, Red Skull siphoned off Tesseract energy to power numerous bombs he intended to drop on various countries, including the United States. Thanks to the Star-Spangled Man with a Plans interference, not only did that plan fail, but when Red Skull directly grabbed the Tesseract to use against his arch-nemesis, it transported him to Vormir, where he was forced to spend the following decades looking after the Soul Stone.

With Howard StarkAfter Red Skull was transported off Earth, the Tesseract burned its way through the villains aircraft and fell to the ocean floor, but it didnt stay there for long. Howard Stark, whod already studied some Tesseract energy earlier in Captain America: The First Avenger with explosive results, recovered the cube as World War II ended.

We know Howard studied the Tesseract in the following years, as he had an illustration of it in his notes and it helped him discover a new element, which his son Tony would later synthesize to power the arc reactor keeping his heart going in place of Palladium.

At Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Since Howard Stark was one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D., one can surmise that the U.S. government also had access to the Tesseract after World War II. That would explain how by the late 1980s, through some unexplained sequence of events, it ended up at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. and was studied by Dr. Wendy Lawson. As we learned in Captain Marvel, Lawson was actually a Kree scientist named Mar-Vell who defected from the Kree empire and tried to create a light-speed engine to help the Skrulls under her care find a new home. What powered this engine? Tesseract energy.

After Mar-Vells ship was shot down by Starforce and she was killed by Yon-Rogg, Carol Danvers, who had been working with Dr. Wendy Lawson, followed her mentors last instructions and destroyed the light speed engine. Carol was bathed in the Tesseract energy released in the explosion, resulting in her gaining her trademark energy powers. Six years later, Carol returned to Earth and recovered her human memories, and with Nick Fury, Maria Rambeau, Talos and Goose, she traveled to Mar-Vells base hidden in Earths orbit. There they found the Tesseract, and Goose, actually a flerken as opposed to a cat, swallowed the cube so that the Kree couldnt take it.

With S.H.I.E.L.D.Sometime after the events of Captain Marvel, Goose, now in Nick Furys care, coughed up the Tesseract on his desk. Now in S.H.I.E.L.D.s care, the spy organization protected the Tesseract while members of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. studied it again, although they had no luck in figuring out how to tap into its unlimited energy.

After the events of Thor, Fury recruited Dr. Erik Selvig to join Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. on the hope that he could accelerate the Tesseract research. The World Security Council scrapped the Avengers Initiative in favor of Phase 2, the design of weapons that would be powered by the Tesseract that could be used against alien threats, similar to HYDRAs World War II weaponry. Those plans never came to full fruition thanks to a certain Asgardian trickster.

With LokiHaving struck an agreement with Thanos following his defeat at Thors hands and banishment from Asgard, Loki came to Earth armed with a special scepter, revealed in Avengers: Age of Ultron to contain the Mind Stone. In exchange for a Chitauri army with which he could conquer Earth, Loki was supposed to deliver the Tesseract to Thanos. Loki retrieved the Tesseract from Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. with ease at the beginning of The Avengers, and with the help of some brainwashed individuals, including Erik Selvig, he was eventually able to open a portal allowing the Chitauri to come through to New York City.

Unfortunately for Loki, the newly-formed Avengers managed to work through their issues and stand in his way. Even better, though hed been brainwashed, Erik Selvig managed to insert a flaw allowing for the Mind Stone scepter to break through the force field protecting the Tesseract and close the portal, thus thwarting Lokis invasion. Now not only did Thanos not receive the Tesseract as promised, he also lost the Mind Stone.

In AsgardWith the Bifrost Bridge still destroyed, Thor, who had been sent back to Earth in The Avengers by Odins dark magic, used the Tesseract to transport himself and Loki back to Asgard. Over a thousand years later, the Tesseract was back in Asgard and given a cushy spot in Odins vault. It being placed there also led to The Collector being given the Aether, a.k.a. the Reality Stone, as it was deemed unwise to keep two Infinity Stones so close together.

When Hela returned in Thor: Ragnarok and went into Odins vault, she declared that most of the objects in there were fake or weak. She admitted that the Tesseract wasnt bad, though her true prize was the Eternal Flame. When Asgard was later destroyed by Surtur, it was believed that the Tesseract had been lost, but all was not as it seemed.

With ThanosAfter laying waste to Xandar to obtain the Power Stone, Thanos turned his attention to securing the Space Stone next. Detecting it was aboard the Statesman, the ship carrying Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, Hulk, Korg, Miek and the Asgardian survivors, it didnt take long for Thanos and his forces to slaughter half of those survivors in the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War. The Mad Titan then arrived on the scene and started torturing Thor to get Loki to give up the Tesseract. His hand forced, Loki revealed the glowing cube; he had secretly taken it from Odins vault as he was retrieving the Crown of Surtur.

Thanos then smashed the Tesseract, took the Space Stone and inserted in the Infinity Gauntlet next to the Power Stone. With the Space Stones power, Thanos could now teleport anywhere he wished across the universe, as well as pull off feats like stopping one of Lokis daggers, sending Iron Mans energy blasts back at him and phasing the Hulkbuster armor into a rock wall. However, all that paled in comparison to Thanos using the Space Stone alongside the five other Infinity Stones to unleash The Decimation, which wiped out half of all life in the universe.

And thats where we currently stand on the Tesseract/Space Stone front. Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26, and while specific plot details for the movie are still being kept under wraps, you can be sure the Space Stone and the other Infinity Stones will factor in somehow since Thanos still had them when he retired to that serene planet at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Whether the Space Stone ends up being destroyed or ends up in the hands of another, well be sure to update you on its whereabouts at the end of Phase 3.

Captain Marvel's origin has ties to the MCU's earliest days. A timeline of the Tesseract The cosmic cube that houses the Space Stone has, the Space Stone/Tesseract has been used to
Tesseract | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | FANDOM powered

Keeping a timeline of where — and when — the Tesseract has been is a daunting task, but we've done all the hard work for you. The MCU's Tesseract timeline. Stark then spends

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The Tesseract Timeline: The place The Dice Has Been In The MCU

The MCU Timeline and How the Tesseract Is the Key Brian Apr 15 We've seen a lot of notable objects in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but one of the most noteworthy has been the Tesseract.
Captain Marvel's origin and a timeline of the Tesseract - Polygon

As a result of the Tesseract is the Infinity Stone that's gotten essentially the most display time, and due to the way in which the MCU timeline jumped round for Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain Marvel, it may be onerous to maintain monitor of all of the locations it's been on this franchise.
The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

Because the Tesseract is the Infinity Stone that's gotten the most screen time, and because of the way the MCU timeline jumped around for Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain Marvel, it can be hard to keep track of all the places it's been in this franchise.
The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

Not to worry, we have you covered, as here are all the places the Tesseract has popped up chronologically within the MCU timeline. In Tønsberg, Norway Legends of Norse mythology state that the Tesseract was once the jewel of Odin's treasure room, but around 965 A.D., it was removed from Asgard and taken to Earth.
The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU March 14, 2019 News No comments The Tesseract, a.k.a. the Space Stone, has moved around a lot in the MCU.
The MCU Timeline and How the Tesseract Is the Key | FANDOM

The Tesseract is a cube which contains an Infinity Stone, representing the fabric of space. If used correctly, the Tesseract can open gateways to any part of the universe and provide interdimensional travel. Taking the Tesseract physically, Red Skull was suddenly transported to Vormir where the Soul Stone chooses him as a Stonekeeper.
A complete timeline of the Tesseract in the Marvel Cinematic

The Tesseract, a.k.a. the Space Stone, has moved around a lot in the MCU. Subscribe To The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU Updates close
The Tesseract Timeline: Where The Cube Has Been In The MCU

One Fan Theory Would Actually Clear Up An Avengers: Infinity War Plot Hole

One Fan Theory Would Actually Clear Up An Avengers: Infinity War Plot Hole

For the most part, Avengers: Infinity War is an incredible achievement, weaving together threads from eighteen films into a cohesive narrative that began the climax of a decade-long meta-narrative. However, there was a glaring plot hole in Infinity War, and it all has to do with the Infinity Gauntlet. Namely, if Thanos had Eitri make him the gauntlet to harness the power of the Infinity Stones, then how and why did Odin have a fake gauntlet in his vault years prior in the first Thor movie. Well a fan has come up with a theory that may explain all that.

Prior to Avengers: Infinity War, the Infinity Gauntlet appeared thrice. It first appeared as an Easter egg in Odin's vault in Thor. In the mid-credits scene for Avengers: Age of Ultron the gauntlet showed up again, this time in Thanos' possession in his "I'll do it myself" moment. That created a conflict because how does Thanos have the gauntlet if it is in Odin's vault. That problem was resolved in Thor: Ragnarok by Hela explaining it away as a fake. But that third appearance created the issue for Avengers: Infinity War when we learn Thanos had Eitri make him the real gauntlet. The explanation for all of this, according to Reddit user cgcs20, is that the concept of the weapon existed prior to Thanos' quest. Thanos' wasn't commissioning an original weapon, but asking for one based on an already existing blueprint. And who first had the Infinity Gauntlet designed? Why none other than Odin himself.

Thor: Ragnarok illuminated Thor and the audience to the fact that Odin wasn't always the sweet old All-Father we saw in the first two Thor films, as he was once a conqueror with a love for war and little regard for life. According to the theory, Odin too once sought the stones and he had the dwarves of Nidavellir create a replica or demo unit of the Gauntlet for him. When he turned over a new leaf and covered up his warlord past, he put the fake Gauntlet away in his vault, perhaps as a reminder of the power he once sought and the destruction that desire caused. This would have disappointed Hela, thus explaining how she knew that it was a fake.

Another Reddit user actually expounded upon this theory, offering up the possibility that Odin gave up his stone quest when he was unwilling to sacrifice Hela for the Soul Stone, thereby revealing himself to be soft and unworthy to rule in her eyes.

Overall this is a really compelling theory that fits in well with what we learned about Odin in Thor: Ragnarok and helps explain why Odin had a fake in his vault. What this theory doesn't really clear up is the Avengers: Age of Ultron mid-credits scene where Thanos decides to take matters, and the real Gauntlet, into his own hands. However, that too has a workaround. For one, we don't know how long Nidavellir has been dark or when Eitri created the Infinity Gauntlet for Thanos. Also, you could say that the mid-credits scene for Age of Ultron does not take place in the same time period as the rest of the film.

What's cool about all of this is that way back in 2011, the gauntlet in Odin's vault in Thor was probably just put in as a fun Easter egg, with a 'we'll deal with it later' mentality with regard to how Thanos would eventually get it. The same goes for the Age of Ultron credits scene. However, story plans change over time and discrepancies arise, but none of them are so bad that some clever thinking can't come up with a good explanation for them.

Check out whether the Infinity Gauntlet is a single-use item when Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3, 2019. For all the latest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, check out our guide.

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Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch Avengers: Endgame

Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is already one of the biggest movies in the world, thanks to a global opening that broke the billion dollar mark. In addition to all of the fans who attended screenings starting Thursday night, at least one Avengers: Endgame star was also in attendance, as Anthony Mackie let everybody know on Thursday that he would be in the audience of one particular showing, so that he could see the movie with a general audience.

Mackie had been to the World Premiere of Endgame a few nights previously, but he said on social media that he wanted to see the movie with a crowd of fans, the general population as he puts it, as well. It's one thing to see a movie in a theater full of those people who helped make it, but the Falcon actor wanted to also see how the serious fans would respond.

Endgame clearly is a movie for the fans. It is a culmination of the franchise to this point, but it's also a celebration of the entire concept of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's something fans have been waiting to see, so of course Anthony Mackie wanted to see just how good a job had been done in their eyes.

For that, you show up to the first screening on Thursday night. That theater will be full of people who could not wait at all to see the film. On the one hand, they're clearly already sold on the MCU, but on the other hand, if there's something they don't like, they're very likely to let you know.

Of course, going to the movies is always more fun when you see a movie with people, and Anthony Mackie didn't go alone. His date for the evening was Aaron Toney, his stunt double in Endgame. Toney has also been the stunt double for Chadwick Boseman in the MCU as well.

Unfortunately, there's no follow up tweet where Anthony Mackie tells us what the experience of watching Avengers: Endgame with a general audience was like, but based on everything we do know, we can guess it went pretty well. Fans and critics alike have been praising Endgame left and right. For a franchise that has built over 20 films in just over 10 years, the film that was designed to end many stories and send the MCU in a new direction people largely agree has done so in a near perfect way.

Considering that the film brought in an estimated $350 million domestically and $1.2 billion worldwide on its opening weekend, it seems quite clear that fans loved the movie. You can bet that many of those ticket sales went to people already seeing the movie for at least a second time. It seems like almost the entire world saw the movie this weekend, the only question now is, are there enough people left to see it in order to send the box office numbers even higher?

Why Anthony Mackie Is Opposed To A Solo Falcon Movie How Anthony Mackie Learned About Avengers: Endgame's Captain America Twist. Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch
Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch
Toney has also been the stunt double for Chadwick Boseman in the MCU as well. Unfortunately, there's no follow up tweet where Anthony Mackie tells us what the experience of watching Avengers: Endgame with a general audience was like, but based on everything we do know, we can guess it went pretty well. Fans and critics alike have been
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Avengers: Endgame is already one of the biggest movies in the world, thanks to a global opening that broke the billion dollar mark. In addition to all of the fans who attended screenings starting Thursday night, at least one Avengers: Endgame star was also in attendance, as Anthony Mackie let everybody know on Thursday that he would be in the audience of one particular showing, so that he
Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch

Captain America: The Winter Soldier cast Chris Evans (Captain America), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier) & Anthony Mackie (The
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Robert De Niro watched his stuntman closely as he executed a full Anthony Mackie and his double made sure to look before they leapt into the Falcon's high-flying stunt on the set of

Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch

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The stars of Avengers: Endgame are having as much fun in the theater watching it as the rest of us. Subscribe To Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch Avengers: Endgame Updates
Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch
Anthony Mackie And His Falcon Stunt Double Watched Fans Watch Avengers: Endgame Tuesday, 30 April, 2019 Overseas, Endgame took in a new high of $859.0 million.
Why Anthony Mackie Is Opposed To A Solo Falcon Movie

Lukes Final Thoughts In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Are Heartbreaking And Beautiful

Lukes Final Thoughts In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Are Heartbreaking And Beautiful

After showing up for brief cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens that hung over fans for two years, Luke Skywalker made a comeback in The Last Jedi and gave quite the scene-stealing performance. In the film, Mark Hamill returned to the franchise as his most iconic role to teach Rey of the Jedi ways and showdown against Kylo Ren. Nut when Luke used the Force to project himself to Crait, it proved too great of a task as the Jedi Master disappeared into thin air, following the footsteps of Obi-Wan Kenobi. In light of Marvel's The Last Jedi comic book release, fans can now see Luke's final thoughts, adding a much more poetic moment to the character's abrupt death. Take a look:

Anyone else getting a little misty-eyed? The page was shared on Twitter by Marvel's The Last Jedi writer Gary Whitta to tease the comic release. The incredible artwork and color was penned by Michael Walsh and Mike Spicer adds a bit more depth to the scene from the 2017 film. As shown in the comic, after showing up Kylo Ren by declaring that he will not be the last Jedi, the toll of the Force catches up to him suddenly. Luke looks to the horizon on Ach-To, complete with a view of two suns, reminiscent of a memorable shot in A New Hope. When Luke began his hero's journey back on Tatooine, he looked at a similar view before joining Obi-Wan to save Princess Leia.

The elegant parallel signaling the end of Luke's mortal end was certainly present in the film but the inclusion of these words in the comic: "So it ends as it began. By the light of two suns. Before stepping into a larger world," it definitely hits the emotion of the scene in a way that the film didn't. Marvel's The Last Jedi six-issue series follows each of the installments novelizations. All of Disney's Star Wars releases have also received the Marvel comic book treatment, which allows for some expanded material to complement the film releases.

In a Star Wars film, when a Jedi dies it doesn't mean they are gone forever-- as it was seen at the end of A New Hope when Obi-Wan says encouraging words to Luke as he destroys the Death Star. And most recently in The Last Jedi, when Luke receives a visit from Yoda. Since Mark Hamill is confirmed to return for Episode IX, the Jedi Master's Force Ghost will likely grace the presence of Rey as strengthens her relationship with the Force and fights against Kylo Ren and the rest of the dark side. Star Wars: Episode IX filming is currently underway, and will be released to theaters on December 20, 2019.

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is the eighth linear installment of the Star Wars franchise. It follows Resistance Leader General Leia Organa (the late Carrie Fisher) as she and her troops evacuate the base that they were using in Episode VII.
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Similar to "The Force Awakens, "The Last Jedi" has been a polarizing movie for Star Wars fans all over the world. I will save my final thoughts for the end of this article, but I will begin by saying I absolutely love Star Wars. I actually did not really get into Star Wars until my 20's, but once I did, I was hooked for life.
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Lets go over all 9 hints of luke skywalker and his force projection technique in star wars the last jedi. During the last jedi ending scene the final fightluke vs kylo ren! There are many hints
Star Wars - The Last Jedi Comic Gives Us Luke's Final Thoughts

Star Wars - The Last Jedi Comic Gives Us Luke's Final Thoughts Posted by Steve on September 23, 2018 at 02:40 PM CST In the sixth and final issue of the fantastic Marvel Star Wars: The Last Jedi adaptation, we learn what Luke Skywalker's actual final thoughts were before dematerializing into nothingness.
Luke's Final Lesson To Rey In Last Jedi Footage - Screen Rant

The very last scene of the film felt out of place as well. Final Thoughts. Star Wars: The Last Jedi in a lot of ways tackles the franchise in a way that I've been hoping for. There are several bold new directions taken that separate this film from every other Star Wars film, including Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Luke didn't die. If you understand Star Wars, you would understand that Jedi's moving on from their physical form is not death. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" Luke is a firefighter who walked into a burning building, and held the roof from collapsing while everyone got to safety. All that inspiring.
Star Wars The Last Jedi Review (2017) | Epicness Continues
Star Wars The Last Jedi is a brilliant addition to one of the most venerated series of all times. It does the franchise the most justice a movie could possibly do. The flick also pays tribute to titular characters and goes on to include more, literally aiming the gun at impending sequels.
All 9 Hints Of Luke's Force Projection! Star Wars The Last

Lucasfilm has officially released footage from one of Star Wars: The Last Jedi's most notable deleted scenes - Luke Skywalker's third and final lesson to Rey. The Jedi Master audiences meet in Episode VIII is a far cry from the original trilogy's idealistic hero, having grown jaded and cynical in the years since the Galactic Civil War.
Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi (Spoiler Warning) - Rob Queen

STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi will see the first words of Luke Skywalker since Return of the Jedi. Has this new action figure revealed them and what do they tell us about the new film's plot?
Luke's final thoughts : StarWars -

Luke's Final Thoughts In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Are

In a Star Wars film, when a Jedi dies it doesn't mean they are gone forever-- as it was seen at the end of A New Hope when Obi-Wan says encouraging words to Luke as he destroys the Death Star.
Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi: Luke Skywalker dialogue REVEALED