6 Classic Monsters That Could Appear In Godzilla 2


6 Classic Monsters That Could Appear In Godzilla 2

San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone, and one of the clear contenders for best in show just might be Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The movie released an awesome trailer that finally teased the additions of classic Godzilla monsters Mothra, Rodan, and the evil King Ghidorah. That's a lot of monsters for just one sequel, but director Michael Dougherty teased he wasn't content with just four Titans. Yes, the Godzilla sequel may have even more monsters in store for Kaiju fans.

It's unknown how large a role these other monsters will play, but one would wager it won't be too large, considering there are four perfectly good Kaiju the sequel has to service. King of the Monsters is about reawakening the Titans to save the planet, so perhaps these extra monsters are just teased or appear for brief cameos. whatever the case may be, it's still really exciting! Godzilla has no shortage of characters to choose from, and these classic monsters feel like a good bet to cameo in King of the Monsters.

AnguirusAnguirus was Godzilla's first ever monster opponent, so he feels like a good one to start this list off. Premiering in 1955's Godzilla Raids Again, Anguirus would kick off the long-standing tradition of Godzilla going head-to-head against another Kaiju. As his first opponent ever, Anguiris is pretty decent, though, he's a bit underwhelming compared to later additions to the series. Anguirus possess a strong spikey shell, and fights by biting and ramming his opponents. He's later given the ability to curl up into a spiky ball. Anguirus would appear a few more times after his initial defeat as an ally of Godzilla, helping him defend the planet. His inclusion in King of the Monsters would be a neat callback to the earliest days of the franchise.

BiollanteNow we get somebody a bit more exciting. Biollante is a plant-lizard thing that debuted in 1989's Godzilla vs. Biollante. In the film, Biollante was created by a scientist who spliced together the genes of Godzilla, a rose, and his dead daughter. Whatever he wanted to happen backfired big time and Biollante was born. In her monster form, Biollante can spew corrosive sap, control massive vine-like tendrils, and turn into a cloud of spores when weakened. She only appeared in one movie, but has had a presence in video games, comics, and other media. She's got a really unique look and seeing her on the big screen would be a real treat.

HedorahSpeaking of unique appearances, not all of the monsters can be dinosaurs. Enter Hedorah, a monster made of pollution. Basically a giant mud man, Hedorah is an alien who landed on Earth and bonded with pollution. It wasn't long before he got the attention of Godzilla and the two duked it out. With his powerful sludge attacks and corrosive acid, Hedorah was able to seriously damage Godzilla, but he still faced defeat at the hands of the famous Kaiju. Due to Godzilla monsters being metaphors for nuclear and environmental disasters, a pollution-based monster could be a really interesting addition to the modern franchise

GiganGigan is known as being one of Godzilla's most ruthless and cruel enemies. The beast has giant, hooked claws that he uses to cut up his opponent. Gigan has become a favorite enemy of Godzilla over the years, appearing in several films as an antagonistic force. In addition to his claws, Gigan can shoot laser beams out of his eyes, but he prefers to get up close and personal. In later films, he is envisioned as a cybernetic monster and is at one point upgraded with chainsaw hands. That's right. Chainsaws for hands. How cool with that look on screen?

DestoroyahKing Ghidorah may popularly hold the tile as Godzilla's ultimate foe, but Destoroyah comes in at an extremely close second. Debuting in 1995's Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (they aren't very creative with titles in this franchise), the Kaiju is perhaps Godzilla's most ruthless enemy. Unlike other monsters who mostly destroy cities and kill people on instinct, Destoroyah deliberately seeks to wipe out all life. He's one of the only monsters to psychologically torture Godzilla, having killed Godzilla's son and then seemingly mocked him. Destoroyah is one tough cookie, possessing the ability to fly and blasting opponents with his Micro-Oxygen Beam. If Destoroyah is teased in King of the Monsters, be aware that this dude is main villain territory.

MechagodzillaOkay, this one is a super long shot but hear me out! Outside of the three monster appearing in King of the Monsters, Mechagodzilla is one of the most popular and well known Godzilla characters. If this franchise continues after Godzilla vs Kong, then it's only a matter of time before this guy makes his return to the big screen. It'd be pretty hard to believe that he's just trapped in an iceberg somewhere, so what if at some point in King of the Monsters, blueprints for Mechagodzilla are briefly shown in a government facility as a means for humanity to one day combat the rising Titans. Given that Mechagodzilla got reintroduced to mainstream America in Ready Player One, this type of cameo doesn't seem so outrageous.

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