Gal Gadot Wraps Wonder Woman 1984 With Heartfelt Post And Photos


Gal Gadot Wraps Wonder Woman 1984 With Heartfelt Post And Photos

That's a wrap for Gal Gadot on her Wonder Woman sequel, Wonder Woman 1984. Based on the beautiful message she just posted, along with three set photos, it's safe to say the DCEU's Diana Prince had a -- wait for it -- wonderful time making this movie:

Congratulations! Gal Gadot's genuine gratitude and warmth make it so easy to root for her as Wonder Woman. She loves the character, and takes such pride in sharing Diana with the world. Gadot reunited with her Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins for this film, and you can see them together in the Instagram album Gadot shared on December 23. (Gotta love the Wonder Woman armor paired with athletic shorts -- now that's a look!)

As Gal Gadot notes, a crew of almost 1,000 people filmed Wonder Woman 1984 across four locations in three countries. She sounds very proud of the final result, and can't wait to share it with the rest of us.

Wonder Woman 1984 is currently scheduled for release on June 5, 2020. That's its rescheduled date, but the filmmakers hope to keep it since it would mark almost exactly three years from the June 2017 debut of Wonder Woman. That film turned out very well, currently enjoying the best domestic box office release of any DCEU movie.

It'll be tough for the sequel to compete with the first Wonder Woman film, but at least Gal Gadot sounds happy with the process up to this point. Of course, while principal photography may be complete, the film itself is far from finished. Patty Jenkins and team will be busy in post-production for a long time. It's a good thing they have a year-and-a-half to get it all done.

The '80s timeline of the Wonder Woman sequel is helpfully spelled out right in the title. We know Kristen Wiig is joining the cast as Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah, with Pedro Pascal as ... someone mysterious, and Chris Pine somehow returning as Steve Trevor. Here's what we know about the movie so far, but more intel (and trailers) will come in as we get closer to the release date.

Wonder Woman 1984 shared some colorful first footage at San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year. It sounds like we'll be spending a lot of time in '80s shopping malls. Bring your own Aqua Net for a ticket discount! (Just kidding. Unless your local theater goes for that.)

Right now, Wonder Woman's buddy Aquaman is enjoying the success of his first solo film's theatrical release. It's just getting started on the U.S. front, but already crushing overseas. Next up for the DCEU is Shazam! in April 2019. Here's what else is ahead in busy 2019. If Wonder Woman 1984 changes dates from its current June 2020 perch, we'll let you know.

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We did it. Again!! And as much as the first time shooting Wonder Woman was amazing, this time was even more unique and special.. We shot in 4 very different locations in 3 countries, and I'm so soooo proud of the almost 1000 crew members who came to set every day, giving everything they have into our movie. Couldn't ask for better partners on this.. I'm so lucky to have the one and only Patty Jenkins, as my director. She always has our backs, she gives us the wings to dare, and everyday she helped us find the most creative version of ourselves .. I am so grateful to call her my friend. And to our AMAZINGly talented cast who made every day enjoyable and fun, thank you! Honestly.. Words cannot describe this experience.. This journey was so demanding and challenging but we all came and did our very best every take, every day, putting our all out there and IĆ¢€™m so proud... Thank you universe for this opportunity. I love this character. And thank you to all of you for being the best fans in the world. It was you that made me push myself every day. I'm so happy and excited, can't wait to share it with you in 2020! ?? Gal

A post shared by Gal Gadot (@gal_gadot) on

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