Star Wars Fans Start Petition For Meryl Streep To Replace Carrie Fisher In Episode IX


Star Wars Fans Start Petition For Meryl Streep To Replace Carrie Fisher In Episode IX

It's an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan. With Disney now in charge of the beloved property, we can expect plenty of exciting content to be rolled out in the next few years. But the new trilogy has also not been without its tragedies, as the iconic Carrie Fisher died shortly after filming her role in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. This is especially heartbreaking because Fisher wasn't able to work on Episode IX, which was reportedly planned to be very much focused on General Leia. It's currently unclear how Fisher's death will affect how Leia's story concludes, although some fans have a creative way for Leia to live on in the next installment: by recasting the role.

The idea of anyone besides Carrie Fisher playing Leia Organa feels like sacrilege to most Star Wars fans, but there is a twist. Instead of just any actress taking on the role, a new fan petition is hoping that none other than Meryl Streep will inherit Leia's hair buns in the future. Considering she's the most celebrated actor of all time, outraged fans should at least feel good about the choice made by those fans.

The petition is available over at Petition Site, and has nearly reached its 8,000 signature goal at the time of writing this story. While that number is minimal compared to the generations of Star Wars fans out there, it's a solid showing for a concept that most of the fandom won't be amenable to. Carrie Fisher lived and breathed Leia for her entire life as a public figure, and the idea of replacing her is certainly a foreign one.

Fans who have signed the petition are no doubt just hoping that General Leia gets the story that she deserves in Episode IX. Each of the new trilogy focused on a member of the trio of OG heroes. Harrison Ford's Han Solo had a massive role in The Force Awakens, while Mark Hamill gave a complex and emotional performance as Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Leia had some great stuff to do in Rian Jonson's most recent sequel, but it was hardly a proper goodbye to the beloved character.

It's currently unclear how Leia's ending will pan out when J.J. Abrams' Episode IX arrives in theaters. Lucasfilm has maintained that they won't be using CGI to bring Fisher "back to life", and would therefore be honoring the actress and writer's real life death. Rian Johnson also didn't change anything in The Last Jedi in order to write in an ending for Leia, leaving her story very much up in the air.

While Star Wars fans wish Leia was going to be in Episode IX, I'm not sure they'd stand for anyone else playing the role. Even if she's Meryl frickin' Streep.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is currently available On Demand and for home purchase. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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