How Doctor Strange And Iron Man Will Interact In Infinity War, According To Benedict Cumberbatch


How Doctor Strange And Iron Man Will Interact In Infinity War, According To Benedict Cumberbatch

There are lots of things to be excited about in Avenger: Infinity War, one of the most hyped movies ever. It's the culmination of 10 years of blockbusters and boasts a seriously large cast of colorful characters. Seeing these different heroes interact -- many of whom have never met before -- is a major selling point for fans of the MCU. One of these pairs of characters is Doctor Strange and Iron Man, two cocky, bearded gentleman who are masters of magic and science, respectively. Sparks will likely fly, but according to Benedict Cumberbatch, these guys have bigger concerns than their egos.

There's a lot of interesting dynamics. They don't always attract. So, sparks will hopefully fly, but at the same time, they're united by a purpose that's bigger than either of them, so they get their game on, put it that way. But, yeah, there are a few one-liners along the way.

We're going to see a lot of different pairs of characters interact in Avengers: Infinity War, as the heroes split into different teams to handle the threat of Thanos. One of these teams includes Doctor Strange and Iron Man, who we can assume meet relatively early on in the movie. The only Avenger Strange has met at this point is Thor, so he's getting a major publicity boost when Tony Stark ends up on the front steps of the Sanctum Sanctorum. The MCU is filled with characters of varied personality, so not everyone is going to get along swimmingly.

Talking with Entertainment Weekly about the role Doctor Strange has in the epic blockbuster, Benedict Cumberbatch revealed that audiences can expect some friction between Strange and Iron Man here and there, but ultimately, they are pretty focused on saving the universe. The stakes are higher than ever for the Avengers, so they have to put differences aside to stop Thanos, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. However, that doesn't mean everything will be all doom and gloom -- it's not a Marvel movie without some one-liners.

Avengers: Infinity War is directed by Joe and Anthony Russo and stars just about every major person you can think of (well, except one). Thanks to glorious new trailer there's lots to talk about concerning this highly anticipated movie, such as what Captain America has been up to; the villainy of Thanos; the action scenes to rival certain airport fights; and much more!

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters worldwide on April 27, 2018. To learn more about the massive blockbuster here's everything we know so far. To keep track of the many, many characters in the movie, here's a list of every single character confirmed to appear in Avengers: Infinity War.

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