Evangeline Lilly Thinks Men Should Stop Complaining About Superhero Suits


Evangeline Lilly Thinks Men Should Stop Complaining About Superhero Suits

Evangeline Lily has earned the distinction of being the first Marvel woman with her character's name in the title of the movie. Now that she's joined the boys' club, she's got something to say to the boys. The actress has heard numerous actors within the Marvel Cinematic Universe complain about how uncomfortable the superhero outfits are, but she apparently did not find this to be true when she donned her costume as The Wasp. Lily thinks the reason may be that men simply aren't used to being uncomfortable for the sake of looking good, which is standard practice for her and other women. According to Lily...

I have been hearing Marvel male superheroes complain about their suits for years. And I got into my suit and I was wearing it, working in it, doing my thing, and I was like, 'Just not that bad.' Do I have the most comfortable suit in the MCU? Or have men not had the life experience of being uncomfortable for the sake of looking good?

Since Evangeline Lily says that it takes three people to get her into her Wasp costume, I'm going to guess that she doesn't magically have the most comfortable costume of any Marvel hero. Therefore, it probably is that the men just aren't used to wearing uncomfortable clothes in order to look good. Everybody in the Marvel Universe has to get in tremendous shape in order to look like the superhero that they play. While the suit can certainly help in some regard, it also has to be quite formfitting, which, considering it usually covers the entire body, can't be entirely comfortable.

Of course, that's not to say that Evangeline Lily thinks her Wasp suit is perfect. While she generally sings its praises to BackstageOL, she does admit there is one issue she has with it. The fact that she can't put the suit on herself means she also can't get it off by herself.

My little gripe is that I need help to get into it. And I'm a very independent person and I've been dressing myself for a few years and so, the idea that it took like three people to get me in and out of the suit and to go to the bathroom, I needed to ask for help, I felt like I was three-years-old again.

In the final analysis, it seems that superhero costumes, while maybe not perfectly comfortable, maybe aren't as bad as other things that half the population wears on a regular basis. Still, as fans, we appreciate the sacrifice so that our movie superheroes look amazing. We'll get to see two of them on the big screen when Ant-Man and the Wasp arrives next week.

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