See What Common Could Look Like As DCs Green Lantern


See What Common Could Look Like As DCs Green Lantern

The DC live-action universe has had an unpredictable tenure in theaters, and is showing no signs of slowing down. While Warner Bros. struggled to get the shared universe off the ground with disappointing performances in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, things seem to be on an upswing. Aquaman is a critical and box office hit, and there are a handful of exciting projects coming down the pipeline over the next few years.

But there are also plenty of DC projects that appear to be caught in development hell, as no news has arrived. Among them is Green Lantern Corps., which is being written and produced by Geoff Johns himself. It's unclear when we might see that movie or which Lanterns could star, but plenty of actors names' have been thrown around to play either Hal Jordan or John Stewart. Rapper/actor Common's is one of the popular candidates to play Stewart, so check out what he could look like as an Emerald Knight.

Well, I've got chills. John Stewart is one of the most popular Green Lanterns in the comics' history, so plenty of actors would like to slip on the ring for Green Lantern Corps. From the look of this image, Common seems like he'd be able to pull off the role. But will he get it?

This new image comes to us from an Instagram user who edited together a shot of Common wearing John Stewart's signature Green Lantern costume. He's seen presumably on the planet Oa, as there are other Lanterns visible in the background of the image. The outfit seems to be modeled after John Stewart's comic book appearance, and the possibly the costume used as a skin in the game in Injustice 2. Stewart doesn't wear a mask to hide his identity, instead proudly serving as both a Green Lantern and U.S. Marine.

DC fans are hoping that John Stewart will have a major presence in Green Lantern Corps., should the developing project get off the ground over at Warner Bros. The title implies an ensemble-based movie, rather than a solo/origin flick for one Lantern. This should help Corps. distinguish itself from Ryan Reynolds' ill-fated Green Lantern movie, while also helping to expand the overall DC universe in the process.

Of course, Common isn't the only name that's been surrounding the role of John Stewart. Fast and the Furious star Tyrese Gibson has been actively campaigning to take on the mantle for years, popping back up every so often to remind the powers that be that he's interested. It doesn't looks like Warner Bros. has been casting the project, given the early state of the blockbuster. Choosing a John Stewart and/or Hal Jordan will likely include a multi-movie contract, so the pressure is one to get the right talented involved, especially with a franchise that had such bad luck in the theaters the first time.

John Stewart is a character that is historic in the DC Universe, as he was only the second black hero introduced on the page. Stewart became more of a household name with the animated series Justice League Unlimited, which featured the character in the main cast, serving as the show's signature Green Lantern.

Of course, there may be a few obstacles standing in the way of Common getting the role of John Stewart in Green Lantern Corps. Perhaps the most obvious is that the actor has already had a role in the DC Universe, albeit a small one. He appeared briefly in David Ayer's Suicide Squad, playing Gotham gangster Monster T in a Joker/Harley flashback sequence.

After trying to do business with Jared Letos Joker, Monster T crossed The Crown Prince Of Crime by looking a bit too closely at Harleys dancing. Joker promptly killed the character, and his short tenure in the DCEU presumably came to a close.

Since Common was killed of during Suicide Squad, he may have the ability to inhabit another character in the DC Universe. Monster T wasnt exactly a big presence in Suicide Squad, with David Ayers blockbuster introducing a massive cast of characters at once.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe broke new ground by revealing large Phases of movies, with concrete release dates set for films within the massive shared universe. But Warner Bros. has been keeping their plans a bit more quiet, as myriad announced projects remain in development. Green Lantern Corps. is only one of those blockbusters, although Geoff Johns involvement certainly gives the upcoming project street cred within the fandom.

Ultimately Geoff Johns has a ton of different Green Lanterns to utilize and feature in Green Lantern Corps. While Hal Jordan is no doubt the most iconic Lantern, John Stewart is massively popular as well. Theres also the alien Kilowog and bad boy Guy Gardner, to name a few.

Overall, it looks like the DC Universe is producing a mixture of solo movies and ensemble projects. While Aquaman and Shazam! have clear protagonists, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) will feature a group of DC femme fatales, and Suicide Squad 2 should bring back the titular group of villains.

The DC Universe is currently riding high on the success of Aquaman, as James Wan has once again brought his vision to the screen. And with it, the shared universes first critical success since Patty Jenkins Wonder Woman. The movie has been performing well both domestically and internationally, breaking some records in the process.

Next up is Andy F. Sandbergs Shazam!, which will once again zero in on a specific part of the DCEU. This time it will be on the kids living in a superpowered world, as 14-year old Billy Batson gets superpowers. Wonder Woman 1984 is also on its way, alongside Birds of Prey and Todd Phillips Joker.

Green Lantern fans were bummed out when no Emerald Knight was brought into live-action for Zack Snyders Justice League. Save for a quick cameo, the Lanterns havent been seen or heard from during the first handful of blockbusters to hit theaters. That is, except for the shot of Green Lantern that appears during the DC Universes opening credits.

Green Lantern Corps. is currently set to arrive on July 24th, 2020. In the meantime, be sure to check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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