Marvel Approached Adam McKay About Directing Guardians Of The Galaxy 3


Marvel Approached Adam McKay About Directing Guardians Of The Galaxy 3

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been on a roll in Phase Three, with every installment resulting in critical success and strong box office performance. But the future of the MCU is largely a mystery, especially when it comes to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. James Gunn was fired by Disney back in July, with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 placed on indefinite hold by the studio.

Finding a replacement director for James Gunn seems like an almost impossible task, given how much of the director/writer is infused into the franchise. There have been quite a few names tossed around by the fans, and now we know one director that has been approached by Disney: Anchorman's Adam McKay. When asked if those talks had happened he confirmed, saying:

We've talked a little bit. We were kicking around the idea of The Inhumans at one point. We're always kind of talking. I think [Kevin] Feige is just the greatest, and I think what they're doing over there is amazing.

It seems that Adam McKay is one of the directors Kevin Feige has been discussing the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise with. The House of Mouse and Marvel Studios are no doubt trying to nail down a replacement soon, as Guardians 3 was originally going to be the second movie released after Avengers: Endgame.

Adam McKay's comments from the Happy Sad Confused podcast may be a surprise to some, considering the director's career in the film industry. McKay is largely known for his work in comedy, collaborating with Will Ferrell is projects like Anchorman, Talladega Nights, and Step Brothers. And while the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is certainly comedic, it's also a massively expensive franchise that connects to the MCU as a whole.

On the other side of the coin, the improvisational style of acting that Adam McKay's projects often encourage might lend itself to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. While the movies are carefully written, there is some room for improvisation on sets. For instance, Dave Bautista improvised Drax's "Why is Gamora?" in Avengers: Infinity War. The Guardians are a motley crew that lean into campiness, so Marvel could find a worse director than McKay.

Adam McKay is also having a big year as we get deeper into Awards Season. He directed the Dick Cheney biopic Vice, which has already picked up a whopping six Golden Globe nominations. Clearly he's a director who can't be pigeonholed, and taking on a franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe might be another way McKay can continue to move forward in his career.

The Guardians of the Galaxy will return to the MCU when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26th, and you can catch Vice starting on Christmas Day. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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