Laurence Fishburne Apparently Dropped An Ant-Man And The Wasp Spoiler


Laurence Fishburne Apparently Dropped An Ant-Man And The Wasp Spoiler

Warning: there is a MAJOR SPOILER ahead for Ant-Man and the Wasp! If you want to go into the next Marvel movie fresh, look at another one of our articles.

Having already left his mark on the DC Extended Universe playing Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Laurence Fishburne has now joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe to play Bill Foster in Ant-Man and the Wasp. In the comics, Bill is best known as the superhero Goliath, but in the second Ant-Man movie, he's depicted as having worked with Michael Douglas' Hank Pym on Project Goliath in the past and now teaching quantum physics at Berkeley. However, it now appears that Fishburne's Foster shares a close connection to one of Ant-Man and the Wasp's other important characters, as apparently this version of Bill is a paternal figure to Hannah John-Kamen's Ghost, the main villain. According to Fishburne:

I have this sort of surrogate daughter, this character called Ghost played by Hannah John-Kamen, who's incredible. And we sort of have a father/daughter thing going on.

Laurence Fishburne accidentally let slip this spoilery information last night at Ant-Man and the Wasp's red carpet premiere, and adding further evidence that this plot twist is legitimate, that snippet of the conversation was cut out of the video that just showed Fishburne talking to the hosts. While Ant-Man and the Wasp's marketing has featured a fair amount of footage showing Ghost in action, all we'd learned about her background up to this point was that she's a criminal who gains her phasing abilities after stealing Pym technology. With these added details, we know that she and Bill Foster are already quite familiar with one another, with Bill serving as her paternal figure. Still, now a few more questions are posed. How did Ghost become Bill's surrogate daughter? Is Bill involved with Ghost's crimes? Is Ghost's last name Foster? Actually, we still don't even know what Ghost's first name is... but I digress.

While it's doubtful that Laurence Fishburne's Bill Foster will be suiting up like his comic book counterpart in Ant-Man and the Wasp, as one of the trailers revealed, he does have experience using Pym particles to make him grow to tremendous heights, though Scott Lang has him beat by a lot. Beyond that, we have yet to learn how specifically Bill fits into Ant-Man and the Wasp, but now that his relationship with Ghost has inadvertently come to light, it suggests that that his role in the story could be more important than previously assumed.

Directed by Peyton Reed, Ant-Man and the Wasp will be released in theaters on July 6, so be sure to keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more coverage on the sequel. For now, you can look through our Marvel movies guide to find out what other projects are in development for the MCU.

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