Samuel L. Jackson Shares Photo From Spider-Man: Far From Home Reshoots


Samuel L. Jackson Shares Photo From Spider-Man: Far From Home Reshoots

It's currently a very exciting time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After a long year of waiting, Avengers: Endgame will finally arrive in theaters this week, picking up the narrative from last year's Infinity War. While all eyes are on how the survivors will face off against Thanos again, another Marvel blockbuster will arrive shortly after. Spider-Man: Far From Home will bring Tom Holland's Peter Parker to Europe, and have him interact with Marvel favorites like Happy Hogan, Maria Hill, and Nick Fury.

Spider-Man: Far From Home will mark Samuel L. Jackson's whopping 11th appearance as Nick Fury, with ranging from major roles to quick cameos. Fans are eager to see how he interacts with Peter Parker, as well as Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio. Jackson is currently in the midst of reshoots for the upcoming sequel, and posted a photo from the set. Check it out.

Samuel L. Jackson may have been able to discard the eyepatch for much of Captain Marvel, but it looks like he's back to his regular cycloptic appearance in order to film Spider-Man: Far From Home.

This behind the scenes glimpse comes from Samuel L. Jackson's personal Instagram page. It seems the 70 year old actor has been very busy lately, reprising his role as Nick Fury while also working on the Hitman's Bodyguard sequel. He's sure to plug both of these projects in the post, although all eyes (pun intended) are on what's next for Fury in the MCU.

The image doesn't show much, but the presence of Nick Fury's eyepatch shows that Sam Jackson is once again back in character as the S.H.I.E.L.D. legend. Fury's first appearance teased a much bigger world for Tony Stark, and his words proved to be true throughout the last decade of filmmaking. Now he'll get to team up with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and see if the newest Avenger is up to snuff.

Per the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer, it looks like Europe is seeing a bunch of enhanced beings cause a ruckus. This is likely what brings Nick Fury and Maria Hill into the action, and why he eventually recruits Spider-Man to join their efforts. Fury's ultra seriousness and Peter Parker's naivety should foil each other interestingly in the upcoming movie, and it should be interesting to see how the MCU continues after the events of Endgame.

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The stakes for Spider-Man: Far From Home seemingly got higher recently, as Kevin Feige recently revealed Jon Watts' upcoming sequel is actually the last installment in Phase Three, not Endgame. As such, it may have a closer connection to The Russo Brothers' massive blockbuster. It's going to take some creative storytelling to bring Peter, Fury, and Hill back from the dead. So perhaps Spider-Man's sequel will help get things back on track after Thanos' attack on the galaxy.

Kevin Feige's revelation also means that Spider-Man got his first two solo flick in Phase Three, in addition to his role in Captain America: Civil War and the Avengers movies. It looks like the web crawler will only continue becoming a bigger presence in the shared universe, as we watch Peter Parker mature as a hero and teenager.

Nick Fury has had a long tenure in the MCU, and it doesn't look like it's coming to an end anytime soon. But Samuel L. Jackson was noticeably missing for the majority of Phase Three, despite being an OG member of the shared universe. He wasn't seen in Captain America: Civil War, and was also absent from the events of Black Panther, both of which displeased the actor.

But Nick Fury is getting his time to shine during the final installments of this phase, starting with his post-credits scene in Avengers: Infinity War. Following that cameo, he had notable role in Captain Marvel. The origin story was set in the 1990's, with Samuel L. Jackson being digitally de-aged to play a less experienced version of Fury. The S.H.I.E.L.D. director will next set his eye on your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, who has an upcoming role in aiding Europe from elemental antagonists.

Before Samuel L. Jackson's signature Marvel character flies to Europe and meets the web crawler, he'll presumably be revived sometime during Avengers: Endgame. Nick Fury was one of the many Marvel characters who faded to dust as a result of Thanos uniting the Infinity Stones, alongside Maria Hill. Spider-Man also perished on Titan after losing to Thanos, in Infinity War's most heartbreaking death scene.

It's unclear how the dusted characters will return to life, although the most recent Avengers: Endgame trailers indicate that the survivors will attempt to unite the Infinity Stone and reverse Thanos' extermination. This should be a difficult task, and Thor is probably the most likely candidate to rock the Infinity Gauntlet. But it's also been teased that the Quantum Realm and time travel might also factor into the mysterious story.

It should be interesting to see how Nick Fury continues factoring into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as there should presumably be a seismic shift when Phase Three finally concludes. Many of the original Avengers actors are coming to the end of their contracts, and the newer superheroes will presumably need to step up and take on leading roles.

If a new group of Avengers are keeping the team together, they may look to Nick Fury for some guidance. With cosmic and local threats, Earth's Mightiest Heroes will be all the more necessary. Fury has always been known to prepare for the worst, so he may be the perfect character to unite a new team.

Since Captain Marvel finally arrived in theaters, Nick Fury's role in the future of the MCU seems all the more important. Kevin Feige has been quoted saying Carol Danvers will help lead the next phase of Marvel movies, and Fury's relationship with Captain Marvel precedes her long awaited arrival in Avengers: Endgame. Perhaps he'll also be a supporting character in the inevitable Captain Marvel sequel.

Avengers: Endgame will arrive in theaters on April 26th, and Spider-Man: Far From Home will follow shortly on June 2nd. In the meantime, fill out CinemaBlend's Endgame death pool, and check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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