New Glass Video Features David Dunns Son From Unbreakable


New Glass Video Features David Dunns Son From Unbreakable

It's been almost 20 years since M. Night Shyamalan released Unbreakable and while we thought that story was over, with the release of Split, we learned that it was far from done. In the new movie Glass, we'll learn what Bruce Willis' hero David Dunn has been up to for the last couple of decades, but we'll also be reintroduced to a character we haven't seen since he was a kid, David's son Joseph. Check him out all grown up in the video below.

The clip posted to Twitter shows us a pair of scenes. One comes from the original Unbreakable. It's the moment where young Joseph Dunn realizes that his father has become a superhero. His father shows him a newspaper story of the anonymous act of heroism he has committed. The awe in the child's eyes is clear. We then fast forward to a scene from Glass and see Joseph has grown up. He appears to be working with his father and reveals that David Dunn now has his own superhero name, The Overseer.

Exactly what David Dunn has been up to for the last 19 years, we don't really know yet. One assumes he has continued to play the hero, but if he's only being named 19 years after the events of Unbreakable, then it would seem he has done a solid job keeping out of the spotlight up until now. Of course, based on the trailers we know that David finds himself inside an asylum at some point, so it appears that not only will David Dunn be seen by the public, he'll actually be apprehended at some point.

Actor Joseph Treat Clark portrayed Joseph Dunn in the original Unbreakable. The actor is back, 19 years later, to play the role again. In addition to the actor returning for the role, the new film will also reportedly contain unused footage of him from Unbreakable.

It's still more than a little surreal that we're standing here on the edge of the final film in an Unbreakable trilogy. The first movie is one of M. Night Shyamalan's early hits. His follow-up to The Sixth Sense is a great movie without question, and Split was largely viewed as a return to form even before the post-credits scene that revealed it was all taking place in the same universe as Unbreakable.

Glass will see the return of Samuel L. Jackson's nemesis to David Dunn as well as the characters from Split. For some, it's going to be one of the most anticipated movies of the new year and the first of many superhero movies that 2019 will bring.

Glass arrives in theaters on January 18.

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