Original Michael Myers Actor Nick Castle Reveals When Hes In Blumhouses Sequel


Original Michael Myers Actor Nick Castle Reveals When Hes In Blumhouses Sequel

The horror genre has been on a serious upswing in the few years, as studios continue to make tons of money while also producing critically acclaimed new installments. Blumhouse Productions has been behind many recent hits, and is turning its sights on the classics with Halloween. Arriving in theaters this October, the new Halloween will ignore all of the franchise's sequels, and bring back Jamie Lee Curtis as OG scream queen Laurie Strode. But there's another original star returning, as actor/director Nick Castle will once again be putting on Michael Myers' mask for a few scenes, sharing the role with stunt man James Jude Courtney. Castle recently revealed another way he contributed to the role, saying:

In the new one, if there's any interest in comparisons, I do all the ADR breathing for The Shape even though I'm only in it in a cameo.

Does anyone else have chills? While Michael Myers is mute villain, the audience and his victims only hear him through the muffled breathing behind his signature mask. And now the man who created the signature sound and character is providing Michael's breathing once again.

Nick Castle's comments to Bloody Disgusting are definitely going to excite the hardcore Halloween fans out there, who have seen John Carpenter's legendary film countless times. Nick Castle's emotionless characterization of Michael Myers created a phenomenon, and its a performance that other actors have attempted through the various sequels. Castle once again voicing The Shape's creepy breath is the ultimate fan service, and adds yet another connection to the 1978 classic.

Ever since Blumhouse announced Halloween's development, with Jamie Lee Curtis in tow, it's been clear that the team has a reverence for John Carpenter's classic. Director David Gordon Green and writer Danny McBride are approaching the movie inspired by Carpenter's sensibilities, relying more on tension than all out gore or violence. And by defying the canon, Blumhouse's Halloween can craft a brand new story, and a brand new version of Laurie Strode. This one has been waiting 40 years for Michael Myers to come back for her, and will be fighting tooth and nail to protect herself and her family when he eventually escapes Smith's Grove and returns to Haddonfield.

The first Halloween trailer featured an absolutely terrifying version of Michael Myers, and its clear that the decades spent in captivity haven't weakened the psychopath in the slightest. The film also debuted new footage at San Diego Comic-Con, a horrifying long shot that followed Michael as he wandered through houses, killing and sparing victims at random.

Michael Myers will be back when Halloween arrived in theaters on October 19th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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