Some Avengers Fans Are Really Into Cap And Bucky's Butts In The New Avengers: Infinity War Posters


Some Avengers Fans Are Really Into Cap And Bucky's Butts In The New Avengers: Infinity War Posters

Earlier this week, Marvel brought us a whole slew of brand new posters related to Avengers: Infinity War. In the past, Marvel's posters have not always been known for being super memorable and artistic; however, these new posters seem to be resonating with people. Sure, the artwork this time around is super cool, and sort of seems to even glisten on the screen. However, what people really seem to be obsessed with in the latest posters are Cap and Bucky's butts. We'll get into that. However, first, if you haven't seen the two posters, you can check them out, first. Let's start with Captain America, played by Chris Evans.

A lot of eyes are on Steve Rogers' new shield and new look for Avengers: Infinity War. However, those Avengers fans who care less about the accessories seem to have one thing in mind: Cap's tight pants. Anyone who has seen a superhero movie knows a lot of the costumes are tight albeit seem to be made of breathable fabric, and a lot of times it's Black Widow's tight clothing that is being focused on, but not in this series of posters. In this series, it's Bucky and Captain America who got back. Don't believe me? Here's Sebastian Stan's Bucky.

While I was busy looking for Hawkeye in the 22 posters that Marvel released this week, the Internet was having a field day regarding two of the handsomest dudes in the MCU getting posters that, well, were derriere-focused. People really seem to be into it, with one Twitter user getting back on social media just in the nick of time...

Other people seem to appreciate that it is the dudes who are getting the butt pics rather than one of the ladies, as has happened for movie promos in the past.

One Twitter user pulled out all the pop culture jokes, because when butts are out there, all bets are off:

And finally, one social media user praised Marvel for its genius marketing move with the 22 posters, noting that clearly the higher ups know what the people want.

Personally, I'd just like to point out that Deadpool did it first. Plus, all in all, I'm assuming whoever shot the images for the posters was just trying to figure out ways to vary up the looks of the Avengers. This is likely why Black Panther is crouching in his poster, and Shuri is playing with some of her weaponry tech. This would also explain why Hulk fills most of the poster frame and James Rhodes is off to one side in his poster. However, the fact that Captain America and Bucky aka White Wolf were the two characters that got the same pose was super fitting, considering their shared history. If that was an accident, it was a perfect one.

See more butt when Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27. In the meantime, you can also check out tight costumes and more with the full trailer for the upcoming flick.

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