Star Trek Vet Isn't Sure Quentin Tarantino's Movie Will Happen


Star Trek Vet Isn't Sure Quentin Tarantino's Movie Will Happen

One of the most intriguing and out-of-left-field movie stories in recent memory has been the news that Quentin Tarantino might direct a new Star Trek movie. The eccentric director is known for working with his own stories and not within the confines of big blockbuster franchise filmmaking. Add to that the fact that Star Trek isn't exactly known for Tarantino's brand of R-rated violence and language, and the pairing looks all the more unlikely. Well, count Jonathan Frakes, who played William Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation, as a skeptic. When asked about the possibility of a Tarantino-helmed Star Trek movie, the actor and director had this to say:

I'm fascinated by the possibility of this. I am not convinced that that's going to be real and I am not sure that Quentin's gestalt and what he is known for is quite in the same wheelhouse of what we have all known Star Trek to be.

Jonathan Frakes pretty much sums up how a lot of folks presumably feel about the idea of a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek movie. The idea is certainly compelling, but the notion that it might actually happen deserves a healthy dose of skepticism. Then there is the fact that what Star Trek has historically been stands in stark contrast to the kind of movies Quentin Tarantino makes. There would certainly be cries from fans that such a movie 'isn't Star Trek'. Although to be fair, devout Trekkies have levied this same criticism at the J.J. Abrams films and even the new Star Trek: Discovery TV show.

So there is plenty of reason for skepticism about a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek movie ever happening, and even Star Trek: Beyond writer and star Simon Pegg doesn't seem to know 100% whether this will happen. But Jonathan Frakes was curious enough to contact J.J. Abrams to find out if this was indeed real. In the conversation, J.J. Abrams confirmed that a writer's room had been put together and Quentin Tarantino told him that it is going to be 'wild'. That sounds about right. While he has his doubts, Jonathan Frakes certainly sounds interested in the project. Speaking at the LexCon comic convention, he elaborated on his doubts and what Quentin Tarantino could bring to the table, saying:

I feel like he could surprise us and bring it into an R-rated world, or a PG-rated world where Star Trek kind of lives. And it could be incredibly creative. I noticed that Patrick Stewart was smart enough to offer his services as soon as he heard the name Tarantino mentioned. So, I am as curious as you are. I am not sure that it's going to be real, that it will come to fruition, but I do know there is a writer's room open and they are working on a story and that J.J. and Quentin have agreed to move forward, so we will see.

The fact that there is a writer's room means that this thing is a real possibility. Jonathan Frakes hits on part of what makes this so interesting, too: will Tarantino turn Star Trek R-rated as has been reported, or will he work within the tamer boundaries that the franchise has resided in? Star Trek: Beyond was a bit of a box office disappointment, and while there are probably fixable reasons for that, Paramount may want to make a drastic shift like this to shake things up and bring in audiences. While there are certainly questions about whether an R-rated Star Trek is truly Star Trek, this news has people excited and discussing the future of the franchise in a way that Star Trek 4 alone couldn't muster. Even the stars of the franchise are interested in coming aboard should this happen.

We'll keep you updated as this story develops and Star Trek goes boldly where it never has before. For all the latest movie news, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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