Someone Turned Avengers: Infinity War's Titan Battle Into A 16-Bit Game, And It's Awesome


Someone Turned Avengers: Infinity War's Titan Battle Into A 16-Bit Game, And It's Awesome

Avengers: Infinity War is a visual spectacle and technical marvel which truly captures the fantastical world of comic books on the big screen. Not that long ago, this kind of realism wasn't achievable at this scale, so you didn't see this kind of superhero film on the big screen. But beyond comics, you did see superheroes teaming up in video games of the '80s and '90s. In that spirit, someone has reimagined Infinity War's Titan battle into a 16-bit game, and stripped of all of the trappings of live-action and modern CGI, it's still awesome. Check it out below:

As a 16-bit game of a modern blockbuster film, there's no getting around it, this battle is awesome. Watching this video just makes you want to dust off an old video game system to play and rewatch Avengers: Infinity War. The only question is which one to do first. This 16-bit creation from Mr. Sunday Movies is amazing in how it manages to be a faithful recreation of that incredible battle from Infinity War (the comparison in the second half shows just how accurate it is) while also being completely believable as a 16-bit game you might have played on Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo.

It's fun to think how much gamers in the '90s would have geeked out at such a scene in a game, the same way we now geeked out over this climactic battle in the movie. I especially like the parts where they are all holding Thanos to get the gauntlet off and when Doctor Strange multiplies himself. The graphics and text bubbles are all great and we even get Star-Lord giving a bird flip to the Mad Titan.

I think the thing that really sells this 16-bit version of the battle on Titan is the audio. The music and the sound effects are pitch perfect for that era of gaming and this kind of game. The grunts, the explosions, the repetitive music, all of it makes this video both accurate and serves to up its nostalgia quotient. I can totally imagine playing with this game co-op with some friends and repeatedly smashing the controller while screaming "This game is cheating!" at our inability to defeat Thanos. We would then all blame whoever the clown was playing as Quill who ruined it for everyone and make a mental note not to invite that kid anymore.

You can relive this battle all over again at home in old-fashioned 480p or in 4K Ultra HD and HDR because Avengers: Infinity War is now on home video. Keep an eye on our guide for everything going on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and for all the latest on whatever cheat code Doctor Strange has to beat Thanos, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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